Both were plants I actually disliked at first.
I thought Sedum Autumn joy rigid and graceless with a dull brick color that was totally unappealing. Maybe my philosophy of using pest free, drought tolerant plants has colored my view. I've come to appreciate it and even like that dull color.

I bought my first agastache a few years ago. Blue Fortune, I love blue in the garden. Well, it wasn't blue and I was quite disappointed when I found the blooms were actually gray. Fast forward about 4 years and now I really appreciate this tireless, effortless plant. No pests, just hundreds of butterflies. It still isn't blue, but the color blends well with almost anything. My agastache is just beginning to fade. It has bloomed continuously since July. Like Autumn Joy, it's a tough plant that doesn't want coddling or watering or fertilizing. It will grow in gravel-- in fact it prefers it. These are two plants that nature has designed to grow well in my area and I'm taking advantage of that fact.

I've mentioned my Volcano phlox once or twice before. It's in full bloom again. This little plant pumps out blooms like no other phlox I've ever seen. Absolutely no mildew, no insects, no watering. I want more of these, but would you believe I can't find any for sale? I'll continue to look, I don't think a garden could have too many.