The garden with its little gate of green,
Invites you to enter, and view mysteries unseen,
Its vine laden bowers and overhanging trees,
The air filled with sweetness, the hum of the bees,
The flagged walks with Iris galore,
Of most beautiful coloring, unknown before,
Pink, white, purple, yellow, azure blue,
Mixed and mingled of every hue,
You come away wondering, can more beauty be seen
Than in the garden with its little gate of green. ~ Winstead.

The pink iris above is currently my favorite, Beverly Sills. This has been a good year for tall bearded iris. They don't mind the lack of rain. In fact, the spring storms that nature frequently schedules for iris season, usually damage the tissue thin ruffles and falls.
The yellow iris with the white falls above is Magic Rainment.

After two years of searching, I've finally found a name for my NOID. This is King Tush (who thinks up these names?) This is how Shadowood describes King Tush: ...azalea pink with pinkish white stripes, infrequent splashes of indian lake and spinel red; beards bright medium orange; ruffled; slight fragrance.
Their descriptions sounds so much better than mine: Muddy lavender with streaks and splotches and an orange beard:)
Invites you to enter, and view mysteries unseen,
Its vine laden bowers and overhanging trees,
The air filled with sweetness, the hum of the bees,
The flagged walks with Iris galore,
Of most beautiful coloring, unknown before,
Pink, white, purple, yellow, azure blue,
Mixed and mingled of every hue,
You come away wondering, can more beauty be seen
Than in the garden with its little gate of green. ~ Winstead.

The pink iris above is currently my favorite, Beverly Sills. This has been a good year for tall bearded iris. They don't mind the lack of rain. In fact, the spring storms that nature frequently schedules for iris season, usually damage the tissue thin ruffles and falls.
The yellow iris with the white falls above is Magic Rainment.

After two years of searching, I've finally found a name for my NOID. This is King Tush (who thinks up these names?) This is how Shadowood describes King Tush: ...azalea pink with pinkish white stripes, infrequent splashes of indian lake and spinel red; beards bright medium orange; ruffled; slight fragrance.
Their descriptions sounds so much better than mine: Muddy lavender with streaks and splotches and an orange beard:)

A few late yellows and faithful old Superstition are still blooming into June this year.

Siberian Iris Caesar's brother.

Haven't mastered the art of collage making yet. Joey at the Village Voice does such beautiful collages, I thought I'd give it a try. I need more practice:)
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.