The garden with its little gate of green,
Invites you to enter, and view mysteries unseen,
Its vine laden bowers and overhanging trees,
The air filled with sweetness, the hum of the bees,
The flagged walks with Iris galore,
Of most beautiful coloring, unknown before,
Pink, white, purple, yellow, azure blue,
Mixed and mingled of every hue,
You come away wondering, can more beauty be seen
Than in the garden with its little gate of green. ~ Winstead.

The pink iris above is currently my favorite, Beverly Sills. This has been a good year for tall bearded iris. They don't mind the lack of rain. In fact, the spring storms that nature frequently schedules for iris season, usually damage the tissue thin ruffles and falls.
The yellow iris with the white falls above is Magic Rainment.

After two years of searching, I've finally found a name for my NOID. This is King Tush (who thinks up these names?) This is how Shadowood describes King Tush: ...azalea pink with pinkish white stripes, infrequent splashes of indian lake and spinel red; beards bright medium orange; ruffled; slight fragrance.
Their descriptions sounds so much better than mine: Muddy lavender with streaks and splotches and an orange beard:)
Invites you to enter, and view mysteries unseen,
Its vine laden bowers and overhanging trees,
The air filled with sweetness, the hum of the bees,
The flagged walks with Iris galore,
Of most beautiful coloring, unknown before,
Pink, white, purple, yellow, azure blue,
Mixed and mingled of every hue,
You come away wondering, can more beauty be seen
Than in the garden with its little gate of green. ~ Winstead.

The pink iris above is currently my favorite, Beverly Sills. This has been a good year for tall bearded iris. They don't mind the lack of rain. In fact, the spring storms that nature frequently schedules for iris season, usually damage the tissue thin ruffles and falls.
The yellow iris with the white falls above is Magic Rainment.

After two years of searching, I've finally found a name for my NOID. This is King Tush (who thinks up these names?) This is how Shadowood describes King Tush: ...azalea pink with pinkish white stripes, infrequent splashes of indian lake and spinel red; beards bright medium orange; ruffled; slight fragrance.
Their descriptions sounds so much better than mine: Muddy lavender with streaks and splotches and an orange beard:)

A few late yellows and faithful old Superstition are still blooming into June this year.

Siberian Iris Caesar's brother.

Haven't mastered the art of collage making yet. Joey at the Village Voice does such beautiful collages, I thought I'd give it a try. I need more practice:)
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
Ooooh, gorgeous Iris and your collage is pretty!
Hi Marnie, what program do you use to make collages? I've never tried it. King Tush: he's an Egypthian. (Sorry, Steve Martin fan from waaay back.) Somehow I thought Beverly Sills was yellow--Randy sent me some and I'm hopeless about IDing irises. Love your bright yellow one.
Marnie....your collage is very pretty, I like it.
BUT your Iris are so very beautiful. I fall in love each time I visit.
I am becoming everso slightly obsessed.
Tku for sharing these beautiful photographs and the poetry......
Beverly Sills is a beauty, but it would be very hard to pick a favourite. They're all just lovely.
The collage looks pretty good to me. I love Joey's collages too. She has some of the most decadent recipes ever and I am always salivating when I visit her blog.
Your collage has good subject matter. Everything looks so pretty.
A wonderful feast for the eyes. Beautiful Iris'....you should see some of my collages, I'll take yours anyday!
A good year for iris can make up for a lot of other things. Isn't it funny how descriptions are sexed up? Azaleas come in so many shades of pink, mostly not in that color, and I've never even heard of indian lake and spinel red.
Marnie, lovely, simply lovely! The I.'Beverly Sills' is so striking. Our iris have been blooming but look quite bedraggled with the nonstop rain; we are sending some your way now for it is forecast that we will see sun this coming weekend in the pnw. Have a great one.
You did good on the collage. You have so many iris's and they all are stunning. I have the Ceasars Brother iris and am so looking forward to a bloom.
Marnie your irises are so beautiful. I love the peach and yellow bi-colored one.
Your stand of white iris is beautiful. Actually all of them a beautiful. I just love iris. I've seen Beverly visiting other gardens around the blogasphere. It is funny that you have that first quote. I have a problem with my one and only poppy. Something is making it sick. I will post pictures later. Cheers.
It is so nice to be able to enjoy irises in June. They are stunning!
Iris heaven !!
I like your discription...
"muddy lavender with streaks and splotches and an orange beard".
Thinking... if ever to come up with my own heirloom plant...the name would have to be easy to remember.
I agree with you on that 'Beverly Sills' iris! Stunning. I love irises...any iris! I think all are perfectly lovely.
Marnie that pink iris is outstanding. I don't think I have seen a more beautiful one.
Happy weekend to you!
They are all beautiful Marnie but I think my favourite is Magic Rainment, so cheerful looking. Lovely photos and collage.
I think 'Beverly Sills' is a knock out Marnie. I can see why she's your favorite. 'Magic Rainment' is really nice too. I love bearded iris but I never keep the tags on mine so I have no idea on the names. I have wondered whose job it is to think up names for new varieties. Some of them are pretty interesting.
Great job on the collage. I've never tried creating one either but I enjoy seeing them on other blogs. Now you'll get it perfected and join in with the best of them!
Those iris are so pretty1 I love the variety of colors! Great job on the collage too!
Hi Marnie, I LOVE your Irises.... You have so may gorgeous colors --most of which we do not have. Like you said, I wish we lived closer... We could swap Irises!!!!!
Surgery is over --and I'm home. I'm 'woozy' ---so will probably sleep well tonight... ( I hope!!!)
Love your collage also.... VERY nice!!!
Hi Marnie, Forgive me please for being away so long. Your blog is such eye candy! Love the vibrancy and detail of your iris collection. How wonderful it must be to stroll out to the garden and see these lovelies. Love your sidebar photos too. Especially the catbird singing his heart out. Very cool!
Marnie, It's always a treat to see your iris photos! I only have the old german iris, but I do love them~The newer pretties need a lot more sun, but they get destroyed with our late April rains~ Good question~Who is in charge of names?! Same with paint colors! Gail
Marnie, your iris pics are the just beautiful! I love them! I haven't been able to figure out how to collage pics at all-if you have time would you e-mail me the directions cmcdermitt1@carolina.rr.com. Thanks and have a wonderful weekend!
Your Iris collage is really cool, and your collection is impressive. I am still giggling over Monica's comment about King Tush being an Egypthian.
*Gasp* What pretty flowers! I love the "King Tush!"
These Irises are just glowing Marnie. Wow!!!
They're all beautiful Marnie. Caesar's brother are among my favorite irises.
Well-done on your collage, Marnie! This is something I haven't tried before. All your irises look lovely, but I have to say Beverly Sills is my favorite. King Tush is certainly an interesting name:) I'm sad to say the Siberian Iris you sent me last year didn't get a chance to bloom because I didn't plant them in a very good place. I'm going to dig them up and put them in a new flowerbed, where they'll be safe from Mr. P, aka the Lawnmowing Man:(
Well, it is certainly a good thing that you are not writing the advertising copy - they would never sell anything! I think it is a pretty iris, no matter what it is called!
Hi Marnie,
I am new to your blog. Found the link over at Sandy's blog.
I love all of your gogeous photos!!
Also love the title of your blog..Lilacs are my favorite flower. :-)
Hope you are having a nice weekend.
Incredible irises, Marnie! They're like modern sculptures, aren't they, and such exquisite colours. When I see these gorgeous photos I wonder why I don't grow them too.
This is the time of year when I'm so glad to have the iris. I like your Magic Rainment, which looks fabulous with the sun shining on it. I especially like the orange beard on the yellow petals. If I were going to add any more iris, it would be one like Caesar's brother, love that blue.
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