I'm varying my usual Wednesday posting because I won't be online tomorrow.
Another set of photos saved from a June garden walk. I horded these away thinking they would be fun to bring out on cold winter mornings.
The snow is beginning to fall in earnest this morning and blizzard warnings for tonight. It seems a good time to let the mind drift back to a sunny, warm June day.
Another set of photos saved from a June garden walk. I horded these away thinking they would be fun to bring out on cold winter mornings.
The snow is beginning to fall in earnest this morning and blizzard warnings for tonight. It seems a good time to let the mind drift back to a sunny, warm June day.
Tinker's Cottage built in 1865 is now a museum. The grounds feature a small heirloom rose garden maintained by one of the local garden clubs.

A new vegetable garden has been added and it features these unusual trellises for growing vine crops.

If I don't look out my window at the snow piling up on the lawn, I can almost believe it might be June...almost.