a painful sweetness, a longing that makes him stand motionless, looking at the leaves or grass, and fling out his arms to embrace he knows not what.

More peony photos. I'm soaking up the essence of peony like plants soak up the rain. All too soon they will be gone for another year.

These are all Shirley Temple. It's amazing how much they've grown in two years. Each bush must have at least twenty huge blooms.

This is double greater celandine (not a celandine poppy which is similar). It is just finishing up a month of bloom. Considered invasive in some areas of the US it was introduced from Europe in the 1600's by settlers.

The Siberian iris have performed wonderfully this spring. They increase rapidly if given lose, organic soil. I have three huge patches that needed to be divided in early April. Unfortunately that didn't get done and they are becoming a serious threat to their neighbors. Usually they have a brief bloom period but this year the cool weather has kept them fresh for almost a month. Very unusual.

I enjoy heucheras although I don't have a big collection. This one was sold as Stormy Seas. So many look exactly like this one but have different names.

Wildlife Rumors by Miss B

Well, we have another scandal brewing in our little community. It has recently been discovered that Mr Wren is leading a double life. What does that mean, you ask. Well, he has two homes, two wives, and two families.
Each wife claims not to know about the other but they can clearly see both homes from their own front doors.

In this photo he sits upon a shepherds crook an equal distance from each home and serenades his families. He seems to be totally unconcerned about criticism being whispered behind his back.

"Who is helping to care for all those children?" Mrs Chickadee is quoted as saying. "He just sits around and sings all day."
Other resident birds are scandalized. They are all monogamous until the fall comes at which time they dump the old spouse and head for good times somewhere south.
"He is a very bad example for us all and especially his sons." Mrs Cardinal confided to me.
I will be back with late breaking news as it occurs. You know you can count on me, Miss B, to have the best gossip anywhere.