Tuesday, June 30, 2015

"I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June." - L. M. Montgomery

Pink was the color of my mid-June garden.

I buy these and move them around trying to find a site they like.  My soil is gummy clay and they don't care for it overwinter.  This year I've put them on a slope hoping the drainage will be better. 

Lots of clematis blooming.

Heirloom rose Paul Neyron.  Love the big, pink cabbages.

More of Griffin Buck's Country Dancer

First bloom on hybrid tea Nearly Wild.

Another first bloom on hybrid tea Double Delight.  This rose is the most delicious strawberries and cream color.  The sun causes the blooms to redden so the longer the bloom remains on the plant, the darker it becomes.

This spring Max Frei began blooming early in May and shows no sign of stopping.  It is the most well behaved geranium, making a neat mound and covering itself in bloom.  

Tempest is obsessed with hunting chipmunks in the flower beds.  He catches field mice but the chipmunks and squirrels have eluded him so far.  I've lost several garden plants to frantic chipmunk chases.