Another Skywatch Friday (which really takes place on Thrusday which doesn't make much sense but that's the way it's done).

The lane leading to my farm looks unfamiliar and eerie. Trees and fence posts loom up like islands in the mist and then disappear.
What better Skywatch photo than one with the sky sitting on the frozen ground. A heavy snowpack cooling the saturated air combined to create a recipe for very low clouds.
Click on the logo to be transported to the Skywatch site.

Now, on to brighter things. Valentine's day is Saturday so I want to wish you all a wonderful Valentines day. May you enjoy romance, good friends and excellent chocolate;)
This is the heirloom rose Paul Neyron-- a hybrid perpetual. It's 7-inch, fragrant blooms were the darlings of Victorian gardeners. Modern rose growers don't seem to appreciate it but it's one of my favorites. I wish I could give each and every one of my blogging frineds a bloom for Valentine's Day.
If you would like to try growing Paul in your garden, I found several bagged and bare root at Home Depot. Get him planted very early, as soon as the ground is dry enough to dig a hole.
I was looking at vintage valentines and came across lots of those little cheap cutouts cards. When I was in grade school we all exchanged these cards with our teacher and classmates.
Someone's Mom would bring pink frosted cupcakes and pink lemonade to school. For the last hour or so of class we would have a Valentine party. I wish I would have kept those little cards.
Does anyone else remember way back then? I wonder if kids still do that?

Below is a gruesome Valentine card (saved for some reason by the Maine Historical Society). You gotta love these sentiments. It was no doubt written by a man expressing his ideas of how and unmarried woman should feel.
The printing reads:
Behold my broken heart, by affliction torn.
I am pointed out by the finger of scorn.
Pray come and marry me if you can,
For I know I am longing for a man.

What better Skywatch photo than one with the sky sitting on the frozen ground. A heavy snowpack cooling the saturated air combined to create a recipe for very low clouds.
Click on the logo to be transported to the Skywatch site.

Now, on to brighter things. Valentine's day is Saturday so I want to wish you all a wonderful Valentines day. May you enjoy romance, good friends and excellent chocolate;)

If you would like to try growing Paul in your garden, I found several bagged and bare root at Home Depot. Get him planted very early, as soon as the ground is dry enough to dig a hole.
I was looking at vintage valentines and came across lots of those little cheap cutouts cards. When I was in grade school we all exchanged these cards with our teacher and classmates.
Someone's Mom would bring pink frosted cupcakes and pink lemonade to school. For the last hour or so of class we would have a Valentine party. I wish I would have kept those little cards.
Does anyone else remember way back then? I wonder if kids still do that?

Below is a gruesome Valentine card (saved for some reason by the Maine Historical Society). You gotta love these sentiments. It was no doubt written by a man expressing his ideas of how and unmarried woman should feel.
The printing reads:
Behold my broken heart, by affliction torn.
I am pointed out by the finger of scorn.
Pray come and marry me if you can,
For I know I am longing for a man.