First I stopped at my favorite greenhouse for a tomato tasting event.

The late blight that wiped out most of the areas tomato crop was the main topic of conversation. The U of I is saying it was caused by some kind of fungus but that’s the best they can do. Disappointing. Their advise, pull up the plants, roots and all and burn them. Never compost tomato plants. Always practice at least a three year rotation when planting new tomato plants. It’s a good possibility the unusually wet and cool summer contributed and allowed the fungus to become wide spread. We will see next year if it returns.

The hostess had managed to round up ten or twelve heirloom tomato varieties but not nearly as many as she wanted. Still it was fun visiting with other gardeners and looking at the fall mums on display. Three Rozanne geraniums came home with me for just $3 each. Love a bargain.

Next on the schedule, shopping for clothes for Mom. Generally I hate shopping but Saturday was such a perfect day, even dreaded tasks could be cheerfully done. Ended up with a nice selection of fall cloths in a minimum amount of time.
On a whim I stopped by a bead shop and spent an hour just looking at the lovelies. Of course there was a string of turquoise stones I couldn’t resist. Before leaving I signed up for a jewelry making class next Saturday morning. I’m excited about this and wish it wasn’t such a long wait till next week.
Next a late lunch with Dad and then stops at various hardware stores.
Late afternoon was all mine so I took a relaxing walk with my camera and snapped some lovely wild flowers.

The garden is just about finished for this year. Always a bitter sweet time. By mid September, most of us are tired of the constant demands of a large garden but we will miss those blooms waiting just outside the back door, lifting our spirits every morning.
The leaves are turning, the first frosts could come any day now… Since fall and winter are quiet times for me, I’ve decided to change my blogging schedule to once a week. Effective next week there will be one posting each Wednesday.
Hoping everyone has a wonderful week.