First I stopped at my favorite greenhouse for a tomato tasting event.

The late blight that wiped out most of the areas tomato crop was the main topic of conversation. The U of I is saying it was caused by some kind of fungus but that’s the best they can do. Disappointing. Their advise, pull up the plants, roots and all and burn them. Never compost tomato plants. Always practice at least a three year rotation when planting new tomato plants. It’s a good possibility the unusually wet and cool summer contributed and allowed the fungus to become wide spread. We will see next year if it returns.

The hostess had managed to round up ten or twelve heirloom tomato varieties but not nearly as many as she wanted. Still it was fun visiting with other gardeners and looking at the fall mums on display. Three Rozanne geraniums came home with me for just $3 each. Love a bargain.

Next on the schedule, shopping for clothes for Mom. Generally I hate shopping but Saturday was such a perfect day, even dreaded tasks could be cheerfully done. Ended up with a nice selection of fall cloths in a minimum amount of time.
On a whim I stopped by a bead shop and spent an hour just looking at the lovelies. Of course there was a string of turquoise stones I couldn’t resist. Before leaving I signed up for a jewelry making class next Saturday morning. I’m excited about this and wish it wasn’t such a long wait till next week.
Next a late lunch with Dad and then stops at various hardware stores.
Late afternoon was all mine so I took a relaxing walk with my camera and snapped some lovely wild flowers.

The garden is just about finished for this year. Always a bitter sweet time. By mid September, most of us are tired of the constant demands of a large garden but we will miss those blooms waiting just outside the back door, lifting our spirits every morning.
The leaves are turning, the first frosts could come any day now… Since fall and winter are quiet times for me, I’ve decided to change my blogging schedule to once a week. Effective next week there will be one posting each Wednesday.
Hoping everyone has a wonderful week.
That tomato tasting sounds very fun. A local group does that here, too, but I was out of town that very weekend. My asters are blooming, too. I recognize all your photos except the blue berries. Are they blueberries? I realized with a start that I've never seen blueberries grow and don't know what they look like (cluster? low? high?).
What great pictures Marnie! Fall is a great time to take them too! I'm excited to hear about your jewelry making course. You'll have to let us all know how it went! Good Luck!
Sometimes I think September comes along just at the right time. The garden does get a bit old by now. Is that red vine poison ivy or virginia creeper? It is so red. A tomato tasting-what fun! And I have to admire you for taking a jewelery making class. That will be fun too.
First, sounds like you had a fabulous day
Second, what's the blue thingys in the almost last photos .. blue berries ?
And, once a week ... ahhh ... ok .. if you must ...
See you on Wednesday
What beautiful photos Marnie! I love that first one! Sounds like you had a busy day... but still had time to take the lovely flower photos ... I know what you mean about things closing down... I will look forward to Wednesday. Carol
I'm ready for a break, too, Marnie...and to see the fall beauties that are just beginning to open here. I can see that you have many of the same ones...and how nice to see a monarda still blooming! I look forward to hearing more about your jewelry class! gail
I was just telling hubby we have to go somewhere after his check up today.
Hi Marnie,
Sounds like you were very busy!
Your wildflowers are very pretty.
The day sounds very lovely. You are lucky to be around such beautiful landscape. Enjoy your jewelry class.
That sounded like a very nice day, I don't like shopping either. I don't mind the occasional browse but I particularly hate buying clothes for special occasions, I always feel horribly under pressure!
I love all the photos of the goodies you saw on your walk, those red leaves are lovely.
I hope you enjoy the jewellery making, perhaps we can look forward to photos of your efforts :)
Monica and JC, I don't know what that berry it. It was large, about the size of a grapefruit. I'll ask someone locally.
Tina, it is just VA creeper altho it looks a lot like poison ivy in the fall.
We had problems with tomatoes this summer but ate them.
Your flowers are super nice.
Thanks for visiting my Birds blog.
Your weekend sounds wonderful - tomatoes and a bead store - perfect! Can't wait to hear about your beading class! Hope the tomato plants are more productive next year.
Hi-Harley is my black kitties name. I'm working on a facebook fan page for Breeze & I'll have him up there. He's on my old blog home @blogspot. He does look like your Voodoo did & Hocus Pocus. Thanks for stopping.
The tomato tasting sounds like a great idea--any recommendations? This year's tomato crop has indeed been a disappointment, because I had such high hopes. It is a little comforting to know that I am not alone, I guess.
Yes, the garden is winding down, but there are still a few surprises. I love your wildflower photos; the first one--an aster?--popped up in my garden as well. And I do have lots of goldenrod! Ironically, I have more time to blog in the winter, but less to write about:) Once a week posting sounds like a good idea.
Hi Marnie, Since I just found your blog, I'm disappointed that you will only post one a week. BUT--I understand. It does take up alot of time.
My father-in-laws tomatoes didn't make it at all this summer either. Too bad!
Love all of your colors.... isn't September wonderful???
I love your sunrise picture, and of course your flowers photos too. The Virginia Creeper is gorgeous.
I adored the pictures of wild flowers. They are my favorite I think, I always try to grow just a few around the garden. It is a bittersweet time when the flowers begin to fade.
Hi Marnie. Sounds like a great Saturday to me. You got a lot accomplished as well as having fun. I've heard many people complaining about the tomato crops here too ~ we had similar weather to you so perhaps whatever happened there, happened here?
Maybe instead of posting about gardening, you'll be posting about jewelry making??? That would be interesting too. I've never delved into that hobby for fear of another addiction. I hope you enjoy the class but I bet you will since you're already enthusiastic about it. :-)
I will look forward to your once a week posts. It's nice to know a day ~ I should get on some kind of schedule too instead of just posting whenever. It makes it easier to remember.
Great photos from your walk. It sure doesn't look like summer is winding down from these pics.
Hi Marnie, Blight ran rampid in the north east also, it was late because of the rain, I'm guessing since blight is usually early, it's treatable. Late blight is unexpected and the plants/tomatos are too far grown. I managed to keep mine, being a new garden is everyone's opinion, including mine. I've too many tomatoes, I've canned a bunch, made up for the corn.
I love all the wildflowers this time of the year and you have some beatiful photos of them!
Yeh, for your mom and dad for having a caring and wonderful child!
Tomato tasting sounds like a wonderful idea! You had a lot to do, but thanks for sharing all of the pictures. Fall is a wonderful time and we need to work on our garden too. We may plant a few fall things, but it won't be as big as the summer one.
The pictures of the wildflowers are wonderful. My garden as well is finishing off for this year. Not a lot in bloom now and the annuals in the containers have pretty well had it.
Such beautiful photos...
how nice to attend a tomato tasting event especially this year with the blight...our tomatoes are a sad sight.
I love beads. I will be anxious to hear and see more about your classes. I hope you have a regenerative time. We all need times like this. Cheers.
A tomato tasting at a nursery sounds like such a great idea. Lovely pics Marnie!
Beautiful shot of the fog. I wish my Virginia Creeper turned red like yours, seeing it when I'm out & about is one of my favorite fall sights.
things are winding down around here too. it is a bittersweet time...i love fall but when winter is just around the corner it makes me take pause. i think we could be in for a very cold winter, too. i do like fireplaces and bundling up.
your last blooms are lovely.
have fun with your new class and let us see some of the things you make.
happy september.
That sunrise photo was breathtaking! And it's true, it was a terrible year for tomatoes ... here, we were plagued with poor soil calcium causing blossom and fruit rot. Several neighbors experienced similar problems with their own plants.
Now that's exactly my kind of day! It sounds just like the way that I spend my day off, wandering around visiting garden centers and other stores, whatever strikes my fancy. I'm so glad you got to enjoy it! My theory is that any day that I am not at work is a good day!
That's a beautiful opening shot. I love the foggy mornings.
A tomato tasting is a great idea!
Your tomatoes looked great to me. I hope you'll get plenty of ripe ones before frost. I heard the same complaint...about not ripening...from the few friends who didn't lose theirs to the blight. Ours have been pulled up and burned in the outdoor wood furnace.
Aren't the wildflowers beautiful at the moment? Are the yellow flowers Jerusalem Artichoke (helianthus tuberosus), do you know? The deep purple asters around here are so pretty next to the goldenrod.
Hey Marnie,
Tomato tasting sounds like a lot of fun. Sorry to hear about the blight hopefully it is gone. I really enjoyed all your photos from your walk. It really reminds me of autumn further north of here. We don't have too many signs yet. I DO often wonder what it would be like to 'rest' from the garden for a few months... or even for one would be interesting. :-) Instead I'm working on projects... digging and planting. I'll enjoy autumn through my blogging friends. :-)
I'll be watching for the update on the jewelry making... something I've always wanted to do and haven't taken the time... some day.
Meems @ Hoe and Shovel
Enjoyed all your lovely photos! So sorry to hear about your tomatoes. I certainly hope it isn't something that will overwinter in the soil.
Your Tomato Tasting sounds like a lot of fun. Did you have any favorites? I am wondering if anyone had any luck with tomatoes this year--I certainly didn't. All of your fall wildflowers are lovely. The Virginia Creeper looks very autumnal.
Have fun at your jewelry making class tomorrow--and let us know how it goes.
I love that first photo of the fog!!! You may have noticed that I have a fondness for the sugject...
But the flowers are gorgeous, too!!
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