I'm varying my usual Wednesday posting because I won't be online tomorrow.
Another set of photos saved from a June garden walk. I horded these away thinking they would be fun to bring out on cold winter mornings.
The snow is beginning to fall in earnest this morning and blizzard warnings for tonight. It seems a good time to let the mind drift back to a sunny, warm June day.
Another set of photos saved from a June garden walk. I horded these away thinking they would be fun to bring out on cold winter mornings.
The snow is beginning to fall in earnest this morning and blizzard warnings for tonight. It seems a good time to let the mind drift back to a sunny, warm June day.
Tinker's Cottage built in 1865 is now a museum. The grounds feature a small heirloom rose garden maintained by one of the local garden clubs.

A new vegetable garden has been added and it features these unusual trellises for growing vine crops.

If I don't look out my window at the snow piling up on the lawn, I can almost believe it might be June...almost.
That is gorgeous, Marnie... What a neat cottage/museum.
I thought you might be getting snow up there. We are getting rain today--since the temp is in the 40's here. No snow here for awhile.. Guess we had ours last weekend.
Be careful and stay warm!!!! Thanks for sharing that beautiful cottage and grounds. GORGEOUS.
I'm so glad you took us along on this summer garden walk Marnie. The roses are gorgeous and I love those vibrant colors with the soft silver of the Lamb's Ears.
A world in which it is always June (or April/ May in central NC) would be heaven I say. Hubby says I would get tired of it and I respond bee-s! lol Snow is beautiful, even winter without snow is beautiful, but doing a lot of outside work is always more wearing in a lot of cold or heat.
No snow here yet although we came close last week. We usually do not get snow until late Jan. or Feb. I have a feeling this year might be different.
That was a GRAND idea ...
I love seeing the Garden in June ..
We have very cold weather .. 12 .. but no snow.
Hope you stay warm ...
Ahhhh, I was sooo ready to see some June! I'm already tired of the cold! I think we're supposed to get more rain tonight, but snow later this week. At least the snow is pretty - right now it is just dreary out!
Lovely post Marnie. No snow here in the PNW but we have much in the way of frigid temps. We would trade for your white stuff.
Were you able to go inside and take some pics? Isn't it funny what some people consider a "cottage"? I would say it's a mansion! Lovely place, any way you look at it. I saw the weather map this morning, and the word "ice" figured prominently right over your area. Stay inside and keep warm!
I don't know what it would be like but I could live there for sure!!!
Hi Marnie,
Your pictures are wonderful! Having spent most of my life on Prince Edward Island, Anne's land, I know exactly what she meant! Our winters can be very cold and seem never-ending some times. I would love for it to be June all year round! Our world is coverd with the white stuff right now and with the cold temperatures, looks like we'll be stuck with it for quite some time. Have a wonderful day.
That is the cutest cottage, and it cheers me to see images of flowers in June. Now it's time to go back to snow shoveling. I hope it's not going to be as bad as forecasted.
Excellent use for these photos. While it isn't snowing here the wind is blowing for all its worth with intermittent rain. I love seeing the sunshine here. I like the cottage too with the gravel paths. So nice.
This is just what I needed. Seriously. Thank you!
Lovely photographs....how pretty is the cottage/museum. I love the garden it is neat but so informal...
I would not like it to be June all the time. I love the changes.....the prospect of the changing season always excites me......
The idea of it always being June sounds great but we had a horrible June this past summer. Our August came in June which means above 100 degree temps.
However I'll just be happy to look at your pics. Does make me feel a bit warmer.
Lovely gardens Marnie. I love the bamboo like trellis in the veggie garden. I would not be happy without the seasonal change, though I could adapt to shorter winters... sans ice. Fluffy snow is fine but when it hardens and becomes icy I stay inside. Hopes yours stays fluffy. Carol
What a great house and garden~just what was needed. Today I was thinking about living in San Diego, Boulder or any other place the sun shined the majority of the time...It's cold and raining very hard~~I almost wish it were snowing. Almost;)
Lovely photos and lovely reminder of last summer and of what will come again next summer. Good things to remember now.
Beautiful cottage and gardens! We don't have snow but it's bitter cold but I'll remember what it's like in June too. Something lovely to remember and something even better to look forward to again!
What a great name--Tinker's Cottage. Lovely garden, and just the perfect picture to remember June. Hope you stay safe and warm in all that snow.
Marnie, we are going to get the same storm tomorrow. Boy! I made the mistake of going food shoping today, seems everyone else had the same idea. As I bought my FROZEN butternut squash chunks I was thinking...ah, wouldn't it be nice....
Hmmmm, with the temperatures falling below zero tonight, it's going to be hard to even pretend it's June Marnie! But I wish we could fast forward a little bit. Maybe just to Feb 1st?? Then spring/summer wouldn't seem so darn far away.
Tinkers Cottage is a lovely place. The first thing I spied is the greenhouse/conservatory! Wow. How I wish I had one of those. I'd spend all my time in it on these cold days. Those trellis's are very cool too. You sure took some nice garden walk photos this year. I'm disappointed in myself for not doing a better job. Take care and stay warm!
Hi Marnie, It's nice to save some summer fun for posting in winter. We had our first snowfall overnight and I love snow!! I don't want it to really be June forever. (Though ask me again in March...)
I agree, Marnie, it's such a delight to see these flowers blooming while the wind howls and the snow flies outside my window. The gardens at Tinker's Cottage look perfectly suited to this museum with their cottage garden style. As for June, it's my favorite month of the year, but I don't know if I would appreciate it as much if it weren't so welcome after a long Illinois winter!
Dream on, he says looking out the window at the whiteout. Actually you had the right idea Marnie... just try to ignore the blizzard.
I know I could get used to June temps all year...think San Diego is the place to be.
The four seasons are pretty amazing...would miss that.
Hi Marnie, You and I [and Lucy, rest her soul] are thinking along the same lines. This is the time of year I crave June the most. I purposely took a trillion summer photos just so I'd be able to keep my sanity during these indoor months. Your blog is lovely.
June! If only Marnie...if only...
A lovely reminder of Summer and such a pretty garden. No snow here but I think it may not be long, we have been promised some very cold temperatures which at least means some light and a relief from the dark wet days.
I hope the snow won't cause too many problems for you.
Stay warm and out of the snow and imagine. Great shots and how smart to save them. Happy Holidays to you.
I haven't been to Tinker since I was a kid! I remember going to an ice cream social there with my parents. The gardens are lovely and it's definitely nice to see something green this time of year (at least, something other than Christmas trees!).
Hi Marnie, Brr-It's chilly here in Vegas. I don't wish it was June though, it would be too hot. April is lovely here and October. The museum and the grounds are gorgeous. Can we have a look inside?
What beautiful gardens Marnie! I love the cottage too. I've never been there, but have added it the list of places to visit sometime on my way up to my mom's place in SW Wisconsin. Rockford is the perfect place to stop since it's half-way there. Last year I went to Anderson's Japanese Gardens (loved it!) and resolved to check out other Rockford garden destinations on future visits to Mom's.
Hi Marine !! This is a fantastic post !! Shots and location both are great..Thanks for sharing..
You're absolutely right! Seeing this June garden on the first day of winter is perfect timing. What a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing.
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