Every year we have set aside a day to remember the men and women who have fought and died to keep us safe and free. Every year we pray that soon the world will change and become a better place where the bravest and best no longer fight and die. Somehow, things never change. War continues to rage and men continue to die.
“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.”
-- General George Patton
In World War II, General Patton made a decision to send troops to the left instead of to the right. In doing so, he saved a small group of airmen trapped behind enemy lines, among them my father. I honor Patton for that but can't completely agree with his sentiments on the death of soldiers. As much as we have gained from their sacrifice, we have lost much and should remember and mourn the loss.
God bless everyone who has fought and died for our homeland and bring our troops home safe and whole.
Sunday was a furnace, 90-degrees and pretty much the same is expected all this week. That is a drastic change from last weeks 60-degree temperatures. The soil is dry and my garden is pretty much in shock. Even the tough-as-nails sedum was limp and wilting in yesterday's heat.
I've seen very few bees so far this season. Yesterday two red admiral butterflies and one skipper were busy in the dames rocket.
Mrs. Chickadee: What a lovely little cottage this is.
Mr. Chickadee: It’s a wren house, precious, much too small.
Mrs. Chickadee: Not too small, dear, cozy.
Mr. Chickadee: Sweetest, the door is too small.
Mrs. Chickadee: Are you saying I'm fat?
Mr. Chickadee: No, never, my love, you are perfection. I’m just saying, there are holes in the wall.
Mrs. Chickadee: Those are decorative windows, dear.
Mr. Chickadee: Yes my little pumpkin, but it looks shabby. It needs painting.
Mrs. Chickadee: Shabby Chic, dear, and the house you liked was cedar with no paint. I love the view. From here, I can look through the door and see the bleeding heart and the foxgloves across the garden.
Mr. Chickadee: Before we decide, can we just look at a few more houses, love.
Mrs. Chickadee: We can look, but I really like this one.
I always buy annuals early, favorites and the more unusual varieties are gone by mid April. Since I’ve had terrible luck starting cosmos from seed, my only alternative is to buy a flat or two. Didier greenhouse grows a very limited number, so I grab them the minute they become available. I was never able to find any yellow or orange cosmos but love these pink.
Plum Crazy is my favorite petunia color. It sells out pretty quickly too so I pick mine up early. Our last frost date is May 15th so plants, in their tiny cell packs, must be babied along until they can safely go into the garden.
I spent more than half an hour hovering around the flats of annuals and hoping this red admiral butterfly would land on one of the blooms and let me get his photo against a pretty background.
He was determined not to cooperate. He spent his time sunning on the ugly brown leaf mulch, on the concrete driveway, and on a torn dogwood leaf. He never went near the flowers.
Last year was so wet we saw almost no butterflies until August. This year is the opposite, very dry so butterflies are out early.
In addition to the lilacs and flowering fruit trees, viburnum x Burkwoodii is in bloom. This is the first viburnum to flower here. It isn’t the showiest but it has a strong, sweet fragrance.
While I work outside, Toby patrols, keeping me safe from marauding mice and gophers.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.