Remember in
Sound of Music when the thunderstorm was crashing around the castle and everyone was singing
My Favorite Things? I love that movie. Anyway, last night as the thunderstorms crashed around my not-a-castle, I was processing photos (I know, dumb to be using the computer in a storm). I had taken several photos of roses covered in rain from an earlier storm so that song just popped into my head and would not stop.
Photos of Distant Drums (my second favorite Dr. Griffith Buck rose) and Toby.
Raindrops on roses...

...and whiskers on kittens.

These are a few of my favorite things.
They are so beautiful-the kitty and the rose! And thanks for the memories. I loved Sound of Music. Much to my kids chagrin, I sometimes sing the song "Doe. a female deer..." Not sure the name. A few of my favorite things is great too. Love the pic of the kitty!
It is Toby-right?
Yes, Toby the Tabby.
I wish I had Julie Andrew's voice. I love Climb Every Mountain and The Hills are Alive With the Sound of Music. I just can't sing them because I can't hit the high notes.
You must have a pretty good voice then. I can't carry a tune for nothing-high notes or not. :)
Love your kitties. Thanks for visiting my blog. I don't think I'd like the big thunderstorms you guys get in the midwest. We get a few here but not bad.
Isn't it amazing how many bloggers like cats and dogs?
Tina, the cats like my singing, but what do they know. I'm not gonna give up my day job;)
Chris, thanks for stopping to visit. I don't like the storms either but they don't scare me as much as the earth quakes and fires in California or the hurricanes on the east coast. If you live through a few, I guess you get used to them. They only occur in the summer months.
Thanks for your visit to my site...I LOVE yours!! Your roses are beautiful, I have never really mastered growing them. My garden is a baby i too recently divorced and started fresh in a small house...wish it was a 100 yearold farmhouse but its not to be right now!
What a lovely site you have, Marnie. I've enjoyed seeing your beautiful photographs, and oh my, at the size of your foxgloves! I see we share many common interests. I'm enjoying learning about photography, and I read mysteries too. You know I love flowers, and cats too.
Thank you for the kind words you've left for me on my site. I appreciate you taking the time.
Best wishes!
Pat, be careful what you wish for;)
I love meeting new friends thru blogs (I'm new at blogging too). I'm so happy you stopped by to visit. See you soon.
Mrs Staggs, I'm happy to see you here. I thought your photography was lovely. I loved your garden. Many of my old favorites and some new ones.
When I try to retrace the path to your site, I cannot get past the private profile. Can you give me the url to your blog page so I can visit again.
Thank you,
Marnie, the rose is just beautiful. Of course I am so partial to pink. Toby looks like he is just thrilled to have his picture taken. NOT! As for singing, I don't even hum well.
You and I have a few things in common Marnie, though I am at present a "snap" photographer (would like to get a better camera and learn more). I love my roses, and horses too. I have just had to sell my darling boy, Fahly, who's a Crabbet Arab. I can cope as long as I don't see a photo of him.
As for cats - we have 8, and our outside cat, Amber, is just like one of your farm cats, Cheers, and we have a tiny little tabby lady called Banshee who is just like your Toby. Small world. You are now well and truly bookmarked.
Great post! Isn't it amazing how the raindrops add such a touch to photos of flowers? Your Toby looks like a brother to my Toby's late partner Max. (Do I have you confused yet?) Cute picture of him.
Hope the storms didn't do any damage.
What beautiful photos! I especially love the detail on the kitty's face. So sweet!
Beckie, I love the pink roses too.
Jennie, from Wales, welcome and thank you for stopping by. I know the awful feeling of selling a beloved horse. I had to let several go when I was divorced.
Rose, when I visit other sites, I see so many cats that remind me of my own. I'm amazed at how many people like cats. Not just like but love cats and have more than one.
Kylee, thank you for stopping by to visit my blog site. Hope to see you soon.
With a name like ~roses and lilacs~ a few of MY favorite blooms! I just had to pop by and oh my, I see you are a lover of felines too! I have several sets of ~whiskers~
that I post about if you scroll down on my posts!
How purrrrrr-fectly wonderful to meet you! Love your photos here on your site! A fewllow ~roses and lilacs and frills~ kind of girl! :)NG
I saw your lovely kitties. Your photographs are wonderful. I'm glad to meet you. It's wonderful to find so many folks with similar interests.
I'll be visiting again soon to see your garden and more pictures of kitties.
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