The only negative thing that can be said about this lily is that it doesn't bloom long enough.
I have been thinking
about living
like the lilies
that blow in the fields.
They rise and fall
in the edge of the wind,
and have no shelter
from the tongues of the cattle,
and have no closets or cupboards,
and have no legs.
Still I would like to be
as wonderful
as the old idea.
But if I were a lily
I think I would wait all day
for the green face
of the hummingbird
to touch me.
What I mean is,
could I forget myself
even in those feathery fields?
When Van Gogh
preached to the poor
of coarse he wanted to save someone--
most of all himself.
He wasn't a lily,
and wandering through the bright fields
only gave him more ideas
it would take his life to solve.
I think I will always be lonely
in this world, where the cattle
graze like a black and white river--
where the vanishing lilies
melt, without protest, on their tongues--
where the hummingbird, whenever there is a fuss,
just rises and floats away.
LOVE THE POEM...and you know me, love the lilies!!!
Your pictures are gorgeous! I love lily's.
Absolutely beautiful lillies. I like them too but have a hard time getting them to faithfully return each year. What is your secret?
Wow...what gorgeous lilies you have! I have a few Asiatic lilies, just now the last 2yrs getting into the daylilies~what took me so long..?! :) I would love to try some orientals! And I agree about the only thing wrong with stargazers is they dont bloom long enough..I have them And they are a fav..the scent is amazing as is there beauty! Beautiful quote! I love the Mona Lisa!
And great captures..love the daylily sprinkled with raindrops! :)
Great post! Great blog! Beautiful blooms!
Enjoy your day!
Hi Sharon. I usually enjoy Mary Oliver's poetry too. That lily poem was unusual;)
Hi Karen, thanks I love 'em too. Simple yet elegant kind of describes lilies.
Hi Tina. I have some failures too. If they like the location they spread, if not...well you know.
I know they don't like too much moisture. They don't seem to like much mulch. That is where me and the lilies disagree. I say you can't have too much mulch.
I lost 16 brand new Stargazers and Starfighters this spring to a late freeze. The emerging tips froze and that was it.
That is alot of lilies to lose. I loved the stargazer but it failed to perform here. Sigh. Hope maybe by some miracle yours come back next year.
Hi Catherine. I will never forget the first lily I bought. It was blooming and at its peak. I inhaled the fragrance and was sold.
I shopped for a long time before going to the checkout. When I got to the car and saw my face in the rear view mirror I was mortified. I had dark, rusty pollen all over my face. Like a demented clown mask. I'm grateful people were to polite to point and laugh at me while I shopped.
Tina, I was pretty disappointed to lose so many. Usually perennials will recover but this was a real hard freeze.
It's just a thought but in the spring you could get a bag of 4 or 6 Stargazer bulbs at Menards and plant them each in very different places. One or more will surely be happy.
Lovely post.... I've been seeing so many post with daylilies that now I want some... :) Just beautiful!
I love Mary Oliver's poetry! What a wonderful coincidence that you posted her when I was reading her poems yesterday!
Your lilies reminded me that I promised to help a friend pick out good lilies...she requested non fragrant ones! I can't imagine not having a Stargazer in my garden!
Any recommendations/ What is that lovely species lily I thought I saw?
Gorgeous flowers! I just love lilies. I don't have any asiatic lilies right now - I used to have some at my old house, but didn't take them with me when we moved. Maybe I'll try some new ones next spring. I also love the story about shopping with pollen all over your face - that sounds like something I would do!
Your lilies are gorgeous. I especially like "Mona Lisa". She's a beauty. I have added to my lily collection each year. The poem was very nice too.
Love the lilies!! I too have the stargazers but only ended up with 3 this year out of eight. Don't know where the others went. And more than once I've walked around with a yellow nose because I forgot about the pollen.
Marnie, I have become such a fan of daylilies this summer seeing all the beautiful ones on blogs that I am going to have to create a new flowerbed just to have some! Other than not too much moisture, any tips on what they like? Mona Lisa is aptly named--she is a classical beauty.
A thought-provoking poem--I like it!
Cielo, thank you. You should try one. They are so rewarding for so little care required.
Good morning Gail. The tall lily with the recurved petals is a Turk's Cap Lily (Lilium superbum). I have read they have as many as 40 blooms on one plant. It is similar to the Tiger Lily.
I really don't know of a lily I like with no fragrance. Just a thought but you could go online to Gilbert H Wild and request a catalog. They have good sales on lilies (among other things). Anyway, the catalog is free and it has color photos. It's a place to start.
Another place that is interesting is the lily forum on Garden Web.
Hi Dog-Geek. Isn't it funny how you remember embarrassing moments. Seems like I have more than my share.
Hi Perennial Gardener. That's what I'm trying to do too. Add one or two a year. Spring was a lily disaster I lost so many new ones. Now I have to catch up.
Hi Flydragon. You are like me, can't resist sticking your nose into the flower for just one heavenly sniff.
Hi Rose. Tips--hmmm. Well amended soil, they increase much faster in lose soil. My lilies don't like mulch up close to their stems or over their bulbs. A little like iris in that respect. Lilies, especially the Orientals take more shade than daylilies. For what it's worth, I use alfalfa meal or pellets around everything.
That is an unusual poem, isn't it. I wasn't sure if it set quite the mood I wanted. Thought provoking is a good phrase. I forgot to mention to Gail that I like Mary Oliver because her poems are frequently about my interests--nature and gardens.
I love the collection of flowers that you have, I will be back soon to visit again.
Thank you! I will do just that! I love Gilbert Wild and Sons!
Beautiful selection of lilies you have in your garden.
I have enjoyed the tour of all your flowers.
Thank you for stopping by my garden and leaving a comment about the lunaria.
I will be be back soon.
Andre, thank you for visiting and taking time to leave a comment. I really like that photo of the old, old box camera.
Hi Zoey. Thank you for stopping to visit. It's wonderful meeting and chatting with other gardeners/photographers.
You have a nice variety of lilies Marnie. I only have one (the Stargazer) and I agree with what you said about it. Every year I say I want to plant more, then for some reason, never do. They are beautiful additions to any garden.
So, I guess you like Lilies? ;^) They are all so beautiful. I definitely need more Lilies.
Hi Kathleen, next year I want to plant even more shaded area and see if they do well. I hope so.
Hi MMD, my problem is that I like everything. I try to limit myself to plants that are drought tolerant and pest resistant (except roses). Lilies are both, until the dread lily beetle reaches this area. After that I may not grow it anymore. We'll see.
Hi, I came back for more pictures but I'll have to wait; it's ok, you have a great site. I have added your site in my favorites blogs that I visit daily. I would appreciate the same but it is not necessary. André
: )
Marnie--I love your lilies, and I really love your story about the pollen on your face. I've stuck my nose into lots of lilies and ended up with some strange eye shadow--on my nose.
Hi Marnie,
Again, I swear I commented last week on these lilies! Now I'm a bit paranoid that blogger is messing w/me again.
I forget what I said, but they're all lovely, and we're definitely putting in some Stargazers this fall, since they're so pretty and relatively inexpensive. I've just about given up on that Purple Turk's Cap I planted about 3 yrs ago ... it comes up every spring but never gets any size to it and then just disappears. Are they that finicky? That was an expensive one and I'm not inclined to throw another $15 in the ground, only to never see it do anything!
Now, if you don't see a really long comment by me in the new thread, something's seriously wrong w/Blogger. I tried to answer some of your photo posting issue questions there....
Thanks Marnie for the thoughts and photos. There could never be too many lilies in the world. ;-)
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