We three went walking in the afternoon, the woman, Aggie the border collie and me, Toby the Tabby. We poke along and the woman takes pictures of flowers. A slow walk with lots of stopping and detouring off into the fields. This is the very best way to walk. Cats hate power walking.

The sun is low and my shadow stretches out in front of me.

We find white flowers twining along the lane.

As the lane begins to dip we stop to look at the graceful branches outlined in bright gold.

I rest a while and scratch my back on the bumpy pavement. Prrrrr, feels good.

A little farther on we find patches of wild sunflower reflecting back the remaining minutes of sunlight.

I show them the big puddle, dry now because no rain has fallen in all the month of August. Many tracks in the dried mud, deer, coyotes, raccoon, and mine. While it still held water, it was exciting to visit late at night.

We come upon a field of Queen Ann's lace as the sunlight fades. As the woman takes pictures, Aggie and I search for field mice.

We come home at twilight.

Aggie has some burs that have to be brushed out. Ouch, she says it hurts. Weeds don't stick to me;)
It was nice of you to take us along on your walk. :) The Queen Anne's Lace & Wild Sunflowers were beautiful. Very cute post today, lol.
Thank you Toby for that very nice walk! Wish I could've gone with you as you sound like you had a great time looking for field mice and scratching the pavement.
Wonderful walk. What is with your weather, first you're drowned then nothing! So sorry about an August without rain; we just got our first rain in 5 weeks! If I were a dog my tail would wag with joy!
Cleverly written Marnie!! Loved seeing the walk thru the eyes of your cat. It's interesting to think about how they view things/us, isn't it? The cat, the dog and you all appear to have had an enjoyable evening stroll and that's what it's all about...
I wish we could all go walking on a nice evening. Wouldn't we have fun looking at the wild flowers and talking about gardens and such?
Hi Tina, I included photos of Aggie just for you and the other dog lovers.
As I said to Perennial Garden Lover, it would be fun if we all could get together and go for a walk. Tell stories, admire the view and watch the dogs run in the fields.
Hi Gail, that's the prairie. We have been blessed with abundant rain this spring and fall. Very unusual. Now it seems like things are back to business as usual. We are always lucky to get any rain in Aug and Sept.
Kathleen, it is fascinating to try to learn how they think. Of course both dog and cat are using smell more than their other senses. They are processing what they scent in ways we can't imagine.
I love reading the research on how they think but IMHO, very little of it is valid.
Very cute. I love your pets.
It was lovely walking with you, Toby. (And it was nice to hang out with Aggie, too, of course!) I'm sure mt cats would be very jealous, so I'm not going to let them read your post.
I forgot that Illinois was a prairie! If my comment came off as flip, I surely didn't mean it too!
Very nice pictures of your walk. It is nice to see what other see and do on the trails.
Toby, thanks for the wonderful narrative of your evening walk. You were very kind to include the dog and a human-I know they get distracted easily. But you did a great job of keeping them focused and all together.
Marnie, as I was reading your answers to comments on your last post, I noticed you said your Dad gives talks on attracting butterflies, etc. Now I haven't talked to MR. McGregor's Daughter about this but do you think he might talk to the spring flingers next spring? We are supposed to meet near Chicago and MMD is setting it up from what I have heard. I am such a novice when it comes to butterflies and would love to get some practical help. If you think he might, I'll ask MMD. Thanks!
Thanks for visiting WingsnThings and leading me back here. I enjoyed the walk, and your butterflies in the previous post are exquisite.
Thanks Toby for that great walk-along. And that human with you takes some great photos!!
Hi again Gail, I certainly didn't think your comment was flip. We complain and or joke about the weather all the time, it's what we midwesterners do best;) Get us on the topic of weather and we will talk for hours about the temperatures ranging from highs of over 100 to lows of more than 30-below zero (not in the same day of course;). Floods, droughts, storms... I wasn't troubled by the flooding this spring because I sit up on high ground. Frankly, I was very happy with the additional rain.
Hello bird lady. Birding is a hobby of mine too. I'm really happy you stopped by to visit and leave me a comment. As my garden season winds down, I expect I'll be talking more about birds in my blog.
BTW, I really enjoyed the photos and ideas on your site. I will definitely be back to see your new postings.
Marnie, thanks for sharing your wonderful walk with us!! I'm sorry Aggie got into the burrs-they do hurt. Our Golden Retriever, Teddy gets into them sometimes and he hates having them brush out and I don't blame him!! Love the Queen Anne's Lace, that is my favorite wayside flower!
Hi Beckie, Toby is happy to see you noticed how hard he worked to keep dog and human rounded up and focused on the project. He wanted to add his latest mouse gift (to me) but I stubbornly refused to photograph the poor thing;)
My Dad would love to talk to your group but he is suffering from a progressive form of blindness called macular degeneration. He is no longer able to drive or operate his projector for screen presentations. He has donated most of his photo materials to Ann Meyers formerly of Enders Nursery. She may be setup to give talks or she will know who does. Let me know and I will contact her and ask.
Thank you Andre. We are fortunate to have a safe, beautiful place to wander.
Dog Geek, you are absolutely right. Next they will want a blog of their own or will be trying to use yours;)
Hi Carolr, thanks for coming to visit. You must be busy getting ready for your school class. Hope things are going smoothly.
Thank you Toby for your leasurely yet exciting post. A good roll on the gravel sure beats the chiropractor. Did you catch any fieldmice or was your interest purrfunctory? Stop and click walks are the best...give you tim to enjoy.
For a bit of excitement I jumped up on the table last night and the vase of camellias went flying off the side. I've got her pretty well traied, she won't say much. prrobably be happy it didn't spill all over her computer.
Look forrrward to your next post....
Your friend Millie.
Love your cats! That was a beautiful walk we went on :-)
What a wonderful blog you have! Dropped by via the Bird Lady and am glad I did - bookmarked for sure!
Your walk was lovely!
tsannie, I'm so glad you stopped to visit and leave a comment. I'll tell Toby you liked his blog. He is quite the ham-actor and would like to be photographed and talked about all day.
Lovely walk and the cat photo made me smile ....
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