A few more photos from my June garden walks. These are just whimsical things that caught my eye. Hope you enjoy them and maybe get some ideas for your own garden.

Bikes and trikes and wagons add a casual interest to the garden especially when planted with colorful annuals. I'm searching for one to add to my garden this spring.
These last few creatures were created by a gardener who also enjoyed working with metals. This one adds kind of a south seas look to and Illinois garden.
This screaming mask may be someone's idea of a scarecrow. It scares me a little;)
This is just the cutest little caterpillar.

Bikes and trikes and wagons add a casual interest to the garden especially when planted with colorful annuals. I'm searching for one to add to my garden this spring.

You already know how muh I enjoy your garden walks. I have a radio flyer wagon in my garden and I just love it. I also have an old wheelbarrow with flowers in it too.
I should have ignored my dad and taken shop class in high school instead of college-prep courses. I probably would have been a pretty decent welder, and just look at what I could be making now! That caterpillar is adorable. Does the gardener also sell his/her garden work?
Nice walk and pics. It sure beats being snowed in the house like I am. Oh well spring can't be that far away....
My kind of gardens. I will have a bicycle one of these days-probably this year as I have a spot for it. Love it! The caterpillar is too cute.
i really like the bicycle. i have had one at some point in my gardens. i love wheelbarrows used in the garden too. one year a long time ago i created a terra cotta man out of old pots i loved that little guy.
Great ideas, Marnie ... love the handsome little caterpillar.
Hi Marnie, thanks for bringing us some summer in winter, much appreciated. I absolutely love the metal works, even the scary mask but have to agree the caterpillar is too cute for words!
Cool pictures. I like that caterpillar.
Hi Marnie, It is always interesting to see how other people "decorate" their gardens. I've never been much for un-garden things in the garden but I don't mind seeing them in other gardens. That caterpillar is my favorite.
Meems @ Hoe and Shovel
Hey! That looks just like my old bicycle! What cute ideas and at just the right time when eveyone is planning for spring!
Hi Darla, I picked up a wagon and old wheelbarrow last fall. Hope to get them planted this spring.
Walk2Write, I would love to be able to weld. I would enjoy doing things like that.
Troutbirder, don't kid yourself, spring is a long way away;)
Hi Tina, scrap iron in the garden. Very picturesque;) Kidding aside, I like stuff like that.
Marmee, I like the bike too. I'm looking for one now.
Joey, isn't he the cutest?
Hi Frances, I like the trellis the mask is attached to.
Hello Brian, I'm glad you stopped to visit and leave a comment. I bet the junkyards are full of stuff we could re-purpose--if I could weld.
Hi Meems, I love re-using stuff. I think it makes a garden unique, fun, whimsical. To me it says informal and relaxed.
Jamie and Randy, I saw a bicycle outside a thrift shop last week. I need to borrow our shop truck and go back for it. If I can dig it out of the snow bank it's sitting in;)
I like the caterpillar, very cute.
I love the caterpillar ... and the screaming scarecrow mask would keep anyone out of the garden (maybe I should try one this spring to keep curious birds of all kinds away).
Your garden walks are always fun to go on Marnie. I am looking for an old wheelbarrow for my garden but haven't found one yet. I'd like to make another container out of it. It's always good to have something to search for, right? The metal art is interesting. I don't think I'd want that scary face in my garden tho. The caterpillar, yes! I hope you get your bicycle.
Old Crow, it's my favorite too.
Cordwood Cabin, imagine visitors meeting him late in the evening;)
Hi Kathleen, looking for things is half the fun. Gives me something to look for and an excuse to visit my favorite antique shops and flea markets.
Lots of fun!
Oh these are so fun! I love the caterpiller especially!
Oh the bike is so clever..and I love the metal work too...Oh for spring and flowers...
I like whimsy in my garden. I've had a chair, seat planted. I've had a wheelbarrow--about anything that will hold flowers. Took a step ladder one time & set pots of flowers on the steps then had a vine growing up it
Really like the caterpillar.
I love the caterpillar with it's shoe form feet...ha!
Isn't it funny how itchy our fingers get this time of year, to get grimey in our Midwestern dirt. I love the smell of dirt and earthworms in the spring rains...ahhh...Nature's finest!
Have you heard any male cardinals singing yet? I heard one Saturday morning and couldn't believe my ears...maybe we'll have an early WARM spring...keep them fingers and toes crossed.
ooooh! I love the caterpillar! Cute! Thanks for another fun June garden walk, as the ice and sleet pour down on us here!
That caterpillar is so cute! Talk about a conversation piece.
I used to have a bike planted much like the one in your photo, but I haven't used it in years. Hmmm, now I wonder where we put it.
How cute the caterpillar! and it won't munch on the plants.
Bring on spring!
Late to the party! Marnie, I do enjoy your walks and all the delightful things you show us...I do love the bicycle and can't help but think this caterpillar would be most welcome in any garden. My sister has mirrors and a screen door to nowhere in her garden! gail
Marnee, some one has a quirky sense of humor! And talent. You have soe very unusual gardens in your area. : I love the parking meter!
BeadedTail, I like that too.
Cameron, they are kind of fun.
RamblingWoods, yes!
Lola, I'll bet the ladder was cute.
Hi Sharon, I know what you mean. Nothing else smells like our black Midwest dirt;) No cardinals calling. I hear a few early morning chips when I feed.
DogGeek, I saw some pictures of the ice storm on the TV. It looks really bad.
Hi Rose, I want to try one. Maybe it will be more trouble than it's worth;)
Hi Dawn, you're right, no caterpillar damage from this guy.
Gail, that screen door sounds interesting. I've seen similar things done with gates to nowhere. Garden art isn't supposed to be functional, right?
Beckie, that's what I love about this stuff. It shows a lively sense of humor. You just know these gardeners are fun and imaginative.
I want a bike so badly. Love the caterpillar too. I bet he's expensive with those antique shoe form feet of his.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I'm glad I followed you back here, your sidebar is AWESOME! Thanks for the photo display.
Oh I REALLY want that caterpillar :)
Kim x
FlowerGardenGirl, that would be the hard thing to find:) It's been a long time since I've seen those.
MrBrownThumb, thanks for leaving me a message. I enjoyed your site.
Hi Kim, if you could find the feet, you could make one;)
Ah, another excuse to forget about winter for a while. Nice! I love the bicycle baskets as containers and that caterpillar?/centipede? creature is the very definition of whimsical!! (And not that we're talking birds, but I saw my first-ever Carolina wren at a friend's house over the weekend. Cute!)
Very creative! I adore the caterpillar!
Hey Monica, I've never had a Carolina wren. Too many house wrens I suppose.
Hi Carla, thanks for stopping to visit.
People are so creative! I love weird stuff like this. I want that caterpillar!
Hi Marnie,
I thought I left a comment here yesterday but I don't see it. Hmmmm, a mystery! I just wanted to say that I also love the catepillar and how nice it is to be reminded of gardens during this snowy cold winter!
It's been snowing in Maine all day!
Your blog and photography are amazing.
Hi Nan, I saw the news, the east coast is getting lots of snow. We could all use a few hours in the garden about now.
Hi Phyllis, thank your for visiting and leaving a comment. I'm really glad you stopped by.
I like the screaming mask. It is a little scary. ;) The caterpillar too.
Were these homemade pieces?
I just went back and read that the gardener created those pieces himself. Sorry about that! They do have a wonderful quality of whimsey.
I love pieces that move in the garden. I don't have anything like that yet -- but someday....
I just love rusted metal garden sculptures, and these are so wonderfully whimsical. It's hard to believe it was ever so warm and green around here. How long til spring?
Hi Marnie,
I'm just finally catching up a bit this week, sorry about that! Thanks for more whimsical views from your walks...
I love the bicycle and if we had such a piece it would definitely be planted up...can't you just see one with sweet potato vine trailing away among other plants? And that caterpillar is really cool! How big was it?
Thanks again for the green fun in the midst of our white frozen exile land!
New article that I am creating for our readers, "Are Flowers Sexy" . . . . Anyone have any comments on the subject?
Love the caterpillar...just too cute!
Hi Marnie, The pink bicycle looks just like the one my daughter took back to college after Christmas this year! It's apparently the type that's currently popular with college students on campuses. That was news to me:-/
I don't have an actual bicycle but I have a rod-iron bicycle plant holder in my garden...It has a round area for a potted plant. It stands with its 2 wheels and kick-stand. I also have one shaped like a wheel barrow, and one in the shape of a tri-cycle!
I love whimsy in the garden and try to place a variety of interesting objects in various areas throughout my garden.
What an interesting garden you showed us by your tour! Thank you!
There is always a sense of excitement and anticipation about what whimsy lies ahead in a garden filled with unique creative ideas!Great post!
These are just wonderful. They make me think about the warmer weather and it will be coming soon. We are getting a taste of spring today. Supposed to get up to 60F. I love the caterpillar with those metal shoe lasts as feet.
I've been enjoying your garden photos on this miserable windy day in Denver, Coloardo. Can't wait for my own garden to get going again.
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