For a few moments, I'm not thinking about winter. I'm looking at garden walk photos taken last June. A sunny day, temperatures in the upper 70's, and interesting things to see in the garden.

One of the gardeners was creative with metals. This bulldog is made from junkyard scraps. A jug of sidewalk chalk waits for a child's art project or a game of hopscotch.

This gardener was also a railroad buff. Two trains chug among the perennials passing towns and farms and crossing bridges. I must have spent and enjoyable 45-minutes walking around this railroad garden.

An old milk can and a tractor seat set among the hosta.

This gardener was also a railroad buff. Two trains chug among the perennials passing towns and farms and crossing bridges. I must have spent and enjoyable 45-minutes walking around this railroad garden.

An old milk can and a tractor seat set among the hosta.
Great idea to "revert" to spring/summer. I love garden walks; it's so fun to check out what other people have done and, as I always say, "Ideas are free!" I love the parking meter!
The most important thing about winter sowing is the soil you use. It CAN'T be seed starter soil (too light for outdoors) or topsoil (too heavy; will turn into a brick). A soil MIX (withOUT weed suppression and withOUT moisture crystals) is ideal. The soil mix also has to be moist/soaked when you set the trays out, and they need top and bottom ventilation holes. Feel free to email me at gardenfaerie at yahoo dot com if you want to chat!
Good idea! We all need a little break from the cold and gray right now. Excellent post!--Randy
Nice pictures to look at as the cold front approaches! I can pretend for a little longer, maybe?
I'm ready to look at summer gardens, too, Marnie--anything to take my mind off the cold and snow outside:) I love to look at these displays of garden art and whimsy, because I'm not that creative. I have an old milk can sitting in the garage...hmmm, now I'm going to think about where to put it. Thanks for some clever ideas!
I love it when you do your walks. All of those ideas were cute, love the milk jug on the tractor seat, and oh yeah, we have been through our share of sidewalk chalk!!
Winter is the best time to blog.
Summer is the best time to garden.
So, why not blog about summer in the winter? :-)
I really like the train in the vegetation. That's like a little neighborhood down in the garden. Cute.
PS Stay WARM! Stay SAFE if you have to venture out!
These are so cool! And remind us of warmer days-they will return. Stay warm!
I would have loved to walk around in that "train" garden.
Hi Garden Faerie, I always used cheap potting soil from a box store--no fertilizer, no water crystals. Somebody said I probably didn't watch the moisture but checking outside trays frequently is something I just don't remember to do.
Thanks Randy, hope you enjoyed it.
Hey DogGeek, you and I are in denial;)
Rose, I'm the same way. I never have an original idea;) If I ever host a garden walk everybody is going to be whispering "Look at that, it's just like Soandso's".
Hi Darla, a good way to exercise the kids;)
Hi Cameron, I loved the train. The little town looks like it's from the 40's.
Hey Tina, I'm trying to stay warm but it won't be easy;)
Hi Flydragon, I almost considered purchasing a train for my garden. Then reality hit. I don't have time for the necessary chores, when would I find time to play trains?
I Have always wanted a train track and a little village in my garden! I wonder where they got their hands on a parking meter!
This was a fun post.
I enjoy going on walks through these fun and creative gardens! I hope you stay safe and warm during the storm headed your way!
The perfect escape from the cold, wintry weather Marnie. Your garden walks are always so interesting and I enjoy seeing other gardeners great (and clever) ideas. There's a couple near me that has a railroad track and town set up in their garden too. I actually found out about them because their track/garden was featured on an HGTV show several years ago. I can see how you spent more time there ~ it's pretty fascinating. Thanks for another great walk. Stay warm and SAFE and I hope the weather lets up for you soon.
Hi Marnie,
What a welcome post right now as we shiver over here (our snow is on its way to you now), where it's also headed down to -20F tonight! Please stay warm and safe and if the roads are not being dealt with, stay home!
What a great garden walk, especially the parking meter!! We really should use some "found objects" in our garden, but so far all we have is the gargoyle and the lion's head. Sounds like a good reason to hit some flea markets one of these days if we ever have any time off from work and the energy to do it!
Again, stay warm, my friend! goes...I'm off to shovel my drive...I know, I know...the only thing that will be visible is my eyes and I will have to work in shifts as my fingers thaw. I waited till this morning because I knew it would drift last noght.
Boy, are we are hardy bunch or's the or what that worries me...
Stay warm friend!
Hi Zack, wouldn't it be great to have a miniature town and some farms? Cities sell things like meters and stop lights from time to time. We bought a stop light years ago and had it in the garden.
Bird lady I'm glad it was fun.
Hi BeadedTail, today was the first time I've ever had problems with my car.
Hi Kathleen, the trains are fascinating. I'd love to visit other gardens that have them.
Hey IVG, flea markets are a great idea. I'll visit some this summer too.
Hi Sharon. Hardy? Right. Focus on the weekend. All the way up to 20-degrees. Won't that be great?
Dear Marnie,
Thank you for the June walk! The green is lovely to see...It's not junipers! Aren't people very creative...the parking meter is too funny. I do hope you are keeping warm and safe. Gail
Hi Marnie,
I just love to look at garden decor; I have several that I could do a post on. The ones you feature from these gardens create great garden interest:) I have an old milk can that I keep on my front porch, but the bottom is rusting out it may end up sitting in the garden to waste away at some point:(
Thanks for sharing these lovely photos on a cold day!
Marnie, the cheap potting soil is suboptimal. I really recommend a soil mix (such as Miracle Gro potting mix). Or you can mix in a bit of organic material (compost, peat) with the cheap potting soil. Otherwise, it compresses too much. Checking for moisture is also important, though if they're snow covered, they're fine. I try to place mine near my feeders, where I can see them without extra effort.
Perfect that I popped over here today of all days (thanks for your thoughtful comment, and have fun with Flemish Antique)! It's very, VERY cold here today, so an escape into June sounded like a good idea to me.
I know you have a gazillion comments on your post from December about pets, but I am SO with you on all that. I have an 850.00, three legged cat, the result of him being hit by a car four years ago. The guy who hit him thought he was dying when he brought him in to my house, and apologized profusely. Nibs was stunned but while I was holding him he came to. I took him to my vet determined to do whatever needed doing, and when my vet (who I really, really like and trust) showed me the options, amputation at the hip was the best. Euthanasia wasn't even in the question. Happily, vet allowed me to pay the bill over several months, no problem at all. Some people would take the attitude of your coworkers. But our cats are family members, and we treat and tend them accordingly.
Hi Marnie, the leap back in time to the warmth of summer walks is an excellent idea. We don't need more pictures of huddled masses, but more free and easy leaves and flowers. Thanks.
Love the dog ! Fun tour.
Did you say -20F ? That's insain !
Hope you have plenty of food,heat and good company. Hang in there kiddo. Spring is coming soon. Well in sorta :)
I think it was Mr. Brown Thumb who posted a while back about trains in gardens. A lot of gardeners (including me!) would love to have them as features. And recycled things as garden art really turn my crank. Thanks for showing some great ideas, Marnie. I hope you stay safe on those roads. Avoid 'em at night especially, if you can.
With the landscape looking like it does in your lovely photos of the previous post, it's nice to see these colorful summer garden scenes.
I love your Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal photo. That weather looks frightful!
I hope you're staying warm and snug inside!
This is exactly what winter-white eyes needed, dear Marnie! Thanks for the lovely photo therapy! (As you know, the weekend looks interesting ... YIPPEE)
Thank you for this break from the freezing cold here in my world..looking through our archives is good for the spirit! hugs NG
Hi Gail, I liked that meter too.
Hi Jan, I have one too sitting in the garage. I should get it out.
Monica, I'll pick up a bag of MiracleGro. Good idea putting them by the feeders. I visit that area twice a day. I'm going to give this another try.
Hi Jodi, I'm glad you were able to save Nibs. I'm afraid many people wouldn't have even tried. The good news is that more people are taking better care of pets, regular vet visits and good quality food.
Hi Frances, I know but leaves and flowers are hard to find today:) Northern gardeners are living vicariously thru you guys in Tennessee and southward.
Hey Patsi, not -20 but -24 was out temperature when I left for work this morning. I may not survive to see spring when if finally comes;)
Hi Walk2Write, I definitely plan to spend some time at flea markets this spring looking for unique stuff. After all, if you set a piece of junk in your garden, that's one spot you don't have to weed;)
Hi Kerri, the worst is over, it hit -24 and now it's all uphill. This cold will probably be on top of your area this weekend.
Hi Joey, yes the weekend looks like a mixed blessing. Temperatures up in the +20's but more snow.
Hi NatureGirl, yes looking back on warmer, colorful summer days lifts the spirit.
Hi TC, our schools were canceled Thurs and Fri. Those kids don't need to be walking or even waiting for a bus in these temperatures. I'm stopping at the store on my way home from work to stock up on comfort food and garden magazines;) Better times this weekend.
Aha, Marnie! Now I understand the rationale behind the old boats, junk cars, multiple burn barrels, rock piles, scrap heaps, etc. It's the lazy but really smart way to go green. Save energy and time. Besides, it's a cheap way to fortify the soil and add valuable iron--from the rust. ;>}
Hi Marnie,
What an incredible winter you are having! It seems like whatever weather you have, eventually gets to us over in New England but not quite as extreme.
It's hard to imagine glorious colorful gardens are hibernating under the snow. It's so interesting to see the creative things people come up with for their gardens.
I am going to go dig up some summer posts too..I need it...
Thanks for sharing more ideas and blooms with us from your June garden walk. I think I like the last one the best. I have a seat like that, but not the bucket.
We've had fog the last two days Marnie, not as bad as you have,but still miserable. You inspired me to dig my photo's out of June and link up with you for a June walk!
Loved the garden walk Marnie! Its been brutal in Bluff Country the last few days...-26F and -50 wind chill. Yikes
I thought that I already left a comment here. I love that bulldog art and the train is such fun! Would love to have one of those running around the garden....first need a better looking garden! Great post!
I love the junkyard dog. It's adorable.
Wow, an actual toy train that goes through the garden?! I know I've never seen that before!
I agree with you about Lizzie -- I do think she's everyone's favorite!! Love the garden walk photos -- it's amazing what clever ideas people think of to express their individuality. I've always thought a children's garden planted with unusual (and unusually-named) plants would be cute (so long as they're "safe" for little hands, of course).
Lovely to see some summer gardens. I have a metal dog very similar to that one. I call him Rusty, lol. He's our guard dog and is usually found near the gate.
THis warm walk is just what I needed today. I just love the train in the garden. I have often wanted to try this. I think I have the perfect spot but I just haven't had the courage to invest. It is an investment to get the train and track etc. Maybe some day. Until then I will just dream.
Thank you so much, Marnie for your kind comments on my blog! I am praying for things to turn around for us soon....but I am just filled with gratitude for the blessings, because things could be much worse!
I love the train!!! What a fun thing to do in a garden!
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