Friday, February 27, 2009


Another new annual for me this year will be Bunny Tail grass aka Lagurus ovatus. Again, I love the common name, very descriptive and charming.

This grass forms low growing (under 24-inch) , rounded clumps. It self seeds but is not invasive. The flowers produced July through September are remarkably like the white tails of little rabbits. This is a hardy annual so sow outdoors about 3 weeks before last average frost date or in late summer. Indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost.

I think this will make a very charming and unusual addition to my perennial borders. Sharon at Garden Web plants Bunny Tails as fillers in pots. See her lovely photo here.

Photo left from the University of Illinois extension. They advise planting in full sun, drought tolerant. Roots rot in damp soil.

Like my previous post on Love in a Mist, Bunny Tail flowers are very useful in fall and winter dried arrangements. Crafters take note, these would be so cute on wreaths.

Photo right from Chiltern Seeds. Chiltern has a dwarf form growing only 8-inches tall. It would be perfect for the front of a sunny border. If I hadn't already bought the taller variety, I'd try this one.

Here is a seed packet from Botanical Interests. They say "Fun for kids, wonderful for flower arrangements. Adds a touch of whimsy and texture to the garden. Dried foliage is attractive in winter. Winner of the Quality Mark Award from Fleuroselect in 1993.


TatteredSpinner said...

Oh, how SWEET! I love ornamental grasses, and this one's so cute.

Susie said...

I too love ornamental grasses. I have never seen or heard of this one. How very cute! I looked at the container using it as a filler and it really adds a nice interest to the pot. Thanks for sharing the info Marnie.

walk2write said...

Grasses are one of the most reliable plants here for adding texture, color, and movement to the garden. The bunnytail grass reminds me of the springtime show of the pussywillow back in the midwest. Am I correct in thinking, though, that the bunny-ness doesn't appear until late summer or fall?

Naturegirl said...

I love adding ornamental grasses to my garden..I planted the Bunny Tail grass because I loved the name!The use of the flowers in a vingette is so-o-o charming!

Dog_geek said...

Your posts are making it hard to wait for spring!

Gail said...

Marnie, This grass looks especially interesting. Thanks for the links so we can check it out...I use Lemon Grass in the garden beds. Fast growing, you can use it for cooking Asian foods and it looks like a big grass. gail

Anonymous said...

The name of that grass is adorable and so appropriate. I'd love to have some for craft projects ~ it's one I haven't grown so I may have to try it out. I really love the Chiltern Seed photo. It's stunning as an arrangement all by itself. You're going to have a great garden this season Marnie!

Anonymous said...

Hi Marnie, that is too cute! I really like the thought of the tiny one from Chiltern's too. It will be fun to see how yours turn out. I love the fluffy little tufts and can imagine a wreath full of them, just delightful.

Connie said...

I grew this a couple of years ago...and loved it. Thanks for the reminder to plant some more. It is fun for kids!

Anonymous said...

Hi Marnie,

I grow those little bunny tails, and I must say, it is as cute as its photo. Enjoy!~~Dee

flydragon said...

I tried growing this a couple of years ago but must have done something wrong somewhere along the line because I ended up with nothing. I'm looking forward to seeing yours.

Unknown said...

I hate it when I miss a post dang it! This is way cute, can't wait to see how it does for you.

Anonymous said...

I love this one - I've never heard of it and it's sooooooo cute or pretty or both. You always have such great flowers I've never heard of and HAVE to have. Linda

Anonymous said...

These are sweet. I don't have any ornamental grass, perhaps I should try these!

joey said...

Will be anxious to see all your new garden goodies, Marnie. I've seen Bunny Tails in arrangements but never knew it's name ... thanks. Happy March!

Rose said...

Marnie, I have never seen this plant before--I love it! I've been hesitant to grow any kind of grasses yet, because I don't want something that might be mistaken for a weed:) I'd love to plant some pink Muhly grass that Frances raved about, but it's not hardy in our zone 5 gardens. I might give these bunny tails a try, though; if they're annuals, I won't be making a life-time commitment.

A Wild Thing said...

I love the grasses, they do so well in my sandy river bottom soil...ya just can't hurt 'um.

How's your snow doin', I hope you get some of that really warm stuff comin'. We've been so lucky this winter, hardly any snow...KNOCK ON WOOD!!!


Sherri said...

Marnie, they are so cute! They really look like bunny tails. I'll have to add that to my garden wish list.

100 Thoughts of Love said...

that is really really pretty..i am not usually a fan of grasses but i like that...wonder how it does in the heat of the deep south?

Kerri said...

That really is cute, and the name is so appropriate. I love the Chilton Seeds arrangement. I'll look forward to seeing Bunny Tails your garden.
I saw Neils Ploughmann's photo that you mentioned and loved it. What a delightful combination of plants.
I haven't grown the Love-in-a-mist and have been thinking about giving it a try.
Hope you have good luck with both.

Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying learning about this from you Marnie...I love this grass....Michelle

JulenaJo said...

This looks like a fun addition to the garden. I'll have to keep an eye out for it this spring. Thanks for sharing!

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Why, I almost bought these exact seeds (same company and all) today... but I resisted. In the sense that I bought four other seed packets for plants not on my list. Ahem. :)

BeadedTail said...

Oh those are lovely and I love the name! I bet those will be a beautiful addition to your garden!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi TatteredSpinner, Thanks for leaving a comment. I think they are cute too.

Hi Susie, that container planting was cute. Love the ideas we get from blogs and forums.

Walk2Write, you're right, the bunny-ness happens later in summer. They do remind me of pussywillow too.

Hi NatureGirl, thanks for the comment. I'm glad to find someone who has grown and liked it. I will be sure to take lots of photos.


Roses and Lilacs said...

Dog Geek, I know just what you mean. It is so cold here this morning, spring seems a long way off.

Hi Gail, I'll have to look for lemon grass. I've heard of it in fact I have some lemon grass scented lotions. Never tried to grow it tho.

Kathleen, I'll bet you could find several ways to use the little tails. You are such a talented crafter.

Hi Frances, there must be dozens of ways to use the dried little tails. We'll see how they turn out.

Connie, thanks for the comment. I love hearing from people who have grown it and been happy with the results.


Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Dee, I'm glad you mentioned that. In the back of my mind I wondered if the grass would look like weedy crabgrass until it bloomed;)

Hi Flydragon, maybe mine won't do well, time will tell. Bad seed, bad weather can ruin good ideas;)

Hey Darla, I'm having a hard time waiting too. I will get lots of photos to report the progress.

Hi Linda, I just stumbled on these while looking for sunflower seeds. They were just too cute to pass up.


Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Gayle, these aren't very big so they wouldn't take up a lot of real estate in the garden.

Hi Joey, I've never seen them used in decorations. I need to start looking for ideas;)

Hi Rose, it is so unfair that gardeners farther south get so many of the good plants. I really wanted that pink grass that Frances kept showing:) I'm not sure how this grass reseeds so we don't know how much of a commitment we're making.

Hey Sharon, I've seen your photos of the native grasses at your place. This one should do well too. Something to fill up those antique vases you have.

Hi Sherri, if you plant some, let me know.


Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Kerri, I don't know why I'm so slow in adding Love in a Mist. This year I just decided to use more annuals. Perennials are great but I'm ready for a change.

Hi Michelle, I'm learning too. This year I'm trying new stuff.

Hi JulenaJo, it is fun to try new plants. This one is so darling, hope it grows well here.

Monica, the temptations on those seed racks are more than I can withstand. I wanted to buy all the poppies, all the sunflowers, four agastaches and on and on...
I need to start tilling up the pasture to make room.

Hi BeadedTail, I knew you would think they were cute. Who could resist those fluffy little tails?


Balisha said...

How cute. We used to get a dried grass in the fall at a store where I worked. I always wondered what they were. These look the same. They were pretty fragile, but they could be worked into an arrangement or wreath and always looked so casual....because they kind of drooped and had a mind of their own.

TC said...

Do you reckon bunnies eat bunnytail grass? Ewww!! Sound's similar to cannibalism? ;~P

If you subscribed to receive updates from my blog, or if you were following, please resubscribe. I switched templates and I'm afraid followers and subscribers might have lost their connection. Thanks!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Balisha, maybe I'll have to spray it with something before using it in dried arrangements. Thanks for the tip.

Hi TC, I'll check and see what's up.


Cosmo said...

Hi, Marnie--This grass is really pretty--like many of your commenters, I've never heard of it before. But it looks like a great cut flower--thanks for posting about it. And condolences about Voodoo--I taught Midsummer Night's Dream this week, and I like to use Bottom to think about loved ones' passing--they're translated--still with us somewhere we don't yet understand. Thinking of you.

Nan and =^..^= said...

The Bunny Tail Grass is wonderful!

marmee said...

love this! i will try to remember this one when it comes to doing my front yard(so much work to do on that part but we will see if it happens this year or not. i would love to use the shorter version in my borders up there.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Cosmo, thanks for your thoughts. We go on but always miss them.

Hey Nan, wouldn't it be cute in a vase but of course the cats wouldn't leave it alone;)

Hi Marmee, sounds like a big project ahead of you. Maybe you will find a place for a few grasses.


tina said...

Looks like I missed another post. So sorry Marnie! I go back and verify my blogroll to check occasionally. This grass is so cool! I think I'd welcome it self seeding in my garden. I love the grasses, to use it dry is a bonus. I think Toby might like it too:)

Jan said...

Wow, I've never heard of these, Marnie (well, that's hardly a surprise I guess, for I haven't heard of a lot of plants!! ha ha)

They are kind of cute...I really like them in the vase on the table. And my favorite: the seed packet:) I could have a bunch of those around!!

I am still not sure about ornamental grasses here at this location. I am trying to decide right now what I'm going to change this spring and summer. I will try to keep this in mind.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hey Tina, I don't think blogroll is updating for every site. I missed one yesterday and one the day before.

Hi Jan, this seems like something you would stick here and there for some interest. I don't think it would take up much space. I just plan to tuck them into spots between other established perennials.


Morning Glories in Round Rock said...

Adorable! Thanks for posting seed companies that sell it too. I've got to try some.

Roses and Lilacs said...

MorningGlories, let me know if your grow some.

Anonymous said...

What a stunning arrangement of bunnytails grass!

Anonymous said...

I've just recently discovered your blog, and I'm enjoying your posts.

I would love to try this Bunny Tail grass, it's so pretty! Thanks for listing seed companies that have it.

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