First I'd like to apologize. This time of the year is a busy one for accountants and I'm finding it hard to visit my favorite blogs everyday. Things will slow down soon ( I hope) and I will be back on schedule.
Miserable weather here. Not much to photograph and share with everyone. You all know animals are my first passion. I visited a local small business that manufactures cat trees. After looking at his, I spent a few minutes online with google and discovered that there are some very unique examples available. Some would surely make your cat believe he's been transported back to the jungles;)
Available in Woodstock, Illinois from Cat Tree Kingdom:
Miserable weather here. Not much to photograph and share with everyone. You all know animals are my first passion. I visited a local small business that manufactures cat trees. After looking at his, I spent a few minutes online with google and discovered that there are some very unique examples available. Some would surely make your cat believe he's been transported back to the jungles;)
Available in Woodstock, Illinois from Cat Tree Kingdom:

What cat wouldn't love these?

Kittens would go crazy on this tree from Great Lakes Cat Furniture in Grand Rapids.

Take a look at this jungle room from Cloud 9

I could go on but it may be boring some of you. Anyway, I wanted to give you all plenty of time to save up your dollars--one of these would make a great Christmas gift for your own kitty;)
I love the first two that look like real tree branches--are they?? Poor Toby and Sasha get slighted at Christmas time in favor of the dogs who have their own stockings. Maybe I need to make it up to them next Christmas. Of course, right now their favorite perch is on top of the loveseat in front of the picture window--right next to the window bird feeder:)
My daughter-in-law is also an accountant, so I can imagine the next two months are going to be extremely busy for you. I can definitely understand if you don't have much time to visit!
Sorry it is a busy time Marnie. Do stop by and read my jacquie kennedy post as it will make you smile..
I can see any cat having a ball on these trees. Especially the tall ones with the high perches. My cat loves to lay in my garden window. I finally had to clear a space for her as she would knock over anything in her way.
Just don't work to hard. Remember to take a break once in a while!
I'm not a cat owner but those do look like lots of fun.
Hi Marnie, I say, these are the most impressive cat trees I've ever seen. Especially nice I think those two are that actually looks like trees, almost like bonzai trees.
I wish you a great friday evening in your old farmhouse on the hill.
I'm sitting in my 'summerhouse'(it is freezing cold) right now and it is an old house too, built in 1901.
Take Care/ Tyra
You are so funny. I have seen these before.
Oh Rose, you can't slight the poor kitties. You have to get them something really nice.
Hi RamblingWoods, I'll be over this afternoon to read about Jackie Kennedy.
Hi Beckie, my cats can clear off a shelf or table in a second. They just lay down in the middle of things and then stretch out;)
Hi Phyllis, if I was a cat I'd want one.
Hello Tyra. I expect my house was built around the turn of the century too--sometime around 1900. Aren't old houses great? They do have their bad points, but I wouldn't trade mine.
These are SO cool. I was in an antique store with my daughter when we saw a tree like the first one you show. It was so awesome I wanted to take it home but is was like very very pricey. What was really cool was there was a cat on it in the store. It at first looked like a stuffed cat as it was so comfy it did not move-then it moved and you should've seen some ladies jump! Yes, the cats do truly love these. And don't worry about blog visiting-it is no problemo!:) We all take breaks every now and then and that is a good thing:)
Marnie, sorry this time of year is so busy for you! I'm glad you post as much as you do! Those cat trees are pretty amazing. I'm allergic to cats unfortunately but it is fun to see the cat "jungle gyms" available! Thanks for sharing!
Being an accountant myself, I totally understand the lack of blog time available! I'm taking a break after preparing my 4th tax return of the day already - and it's not even noon!
These cat trees are wonderful and I'm sure Angel and Isabella would love any one of them! Thanks for sharing!
Back to the tax returns....
Hi Marnie, oh I love all of those! My cats would too, I believe. We did splurge this year on a two story house on a tunnel thing covered with carpet that they are enjoying. I like the look of the trees much better. Cool!
You're definitely not boring me with this post Marnie! Anything but! I've actually been thinking of getting a cat tree for my "baby" so I'll have to click on your links and check them out. I wonder how expensive they are? I might not want to know! btw, don't worry about being scarce in blogland ~ we understand you have to work and pay the bills first! Have a good weekend Marnie.
Marnie, they look enough fun for me to play on :) Good weather is coming your way ... enjoy the weekend and relax.
Hi Marnie,
We have been thinking of building a shelf with a staircase for coal to climb onto...I have see some great toys climbers for cats..the cat trees are cool, too.
marnie, these things expensive. i went and looked at the sites. i have a kitten but not sure where i would or could put the thing. are you going to order one?
Marnie, I had to laugh when I saw these trees. My indoor cat probably couldn't even get to the top -- she's such a clutz I'm not sure she's a cat, even though she looks like a cat. And she yowls like a cat. :)
Our two indoor/outdoor cats (siblings) prefer the electric blanket, thank you very much. Even the heating pad. Some nights I fall asleep on the couch with the electric blanket, with one cat on my feet or legs and the other on my stomach or chest. All three of us covet the electric blanket. The indoor cat doesn't because she has so much hair.
Those are cool, Marnie. I wonder why kitty children like to sleep so high in the sky? I had a cat years ago, and I kind of miss it now. --Randy
We have 9 cats in our extended family. Our kids all have one or two or three. They would love any one of these. I make little knitted toys for them for Christmas.
Uh oh...I was reading this and oohing and ahhhhing over the awesome toys when Mungus and Spunky got up on the desk and saw them. Now I gotta hide the credit card, lest they start trying to order one of them. Hopefully I can distract them til Hubby manages to create something better than the current cat-toy!
Those are very cool....and a good substitute for the outdoors for cats.
Hi Marnie.
My cat is just like a small child. He's happy with an empty box or paper grocery sack, somewhere where he can hide and wait for somebody to walk past so he can pounce! Can you say "ankle biter"!? His favorite target.
Take care and have a great week.
I remember answering Tina and Sherri last Friday. My comment must have gone into google's black hole of lost data.
Hey Tina, I'll bet seeing movement in the tree did startle them;) The trees are kind of pricey.
Hi Sherri, I'm allergic to all animals too. My allergies aren't so serious, they just keep my sinuses stuffy all the time.
Hi BeadedTail, yes the next few months will be busy. I'll bet you two kitties would love one.
Hey Frances, you house sounds interesting. Sometime I plant to do a post on the amazing Cat's house. It's really cool.
Hi Kathleen, try to find a tree near your home. I think the freight would add quite a bit to the price.
Joey, you were right about the weather. Temperatures in the 50's. Going up to a record beaking 60 on Tuesday.
Hi Gail, that sounds like fun. Who know if they 'need' these toys but they seem to like them.
Hi Marmee, some of them are kind of expensive. I'm not sure where I'd put one either. Maybe in the upstairs hallway. I haven't decided, but if I do order one it will be from the folks in Woodstock so I can pick it up myself.
Sweetbay, my older cats are that way. I have two siblings left that are almost 18. The younger rescue cat Toby would be all over it.
Hey Randy, I can't imagine being without my cats. I like dogs too but cats are much more relaxing.
Hi Balisha, my whole family love cats too altho we don't come close to your family total. My youngest cat loves to chase a little knitted ball until he looses it under the furniture.
Hi Jodi, did you ever hear any of Steve Martin's 'cat' stories. His cats couldn't be trusted with the credit card either;)
Hi Birdlady, they do loose their muscle tone in the house. These would be good for them.
Hi Lisa, you're right. Cats can entertain themselves with a box or a paper bag. They will spend an hour chasing a crumpled paper.
Wow, a person wouldn't mind having one of these sitting in their house someplace. They almost look like art, especially the cloud one.
Wow, those are aweome! I think I would need a bigger house, though. And I'm not sure I wouldn't end up with a pesky little black and white dog lounging on the top, which might give me heart failure.
What cat wouldn't LoVe these! Purrrr-fect... for our beloved felines.
It's just where does one place one of these monsters where it doesn't obstruct our view...I know cats rule but I'd have to have a separte room for one of these beauties! I have priced them up..oh yes I have.
Perhaps our next house we'll make up a cat/garden can always I'd better go before one of my felines sees these photos!
I've always loved things like this, and these are top of the line:) I have to say, though, I don't know if my cat would have a clue what to do with it:) We had a small post for a cat I had a while back but it was just a short scratching post...and of course, he preferred to scratch the furniture:(
These are really cool, though. I'll definitely think about adding 1 to my Christmas list to Santa next year!
You have such a nice blog and such great pictures. I'm a cat lover too, although we don't have one right now. Thanks for visiting my blog and I'll be back to visit yours!
Hi Lisa, most of us would have to get rid of the sofa to make room for one;)
I can see a dog trying to get up there;)
Nature Girl, finding a place for one would be a problem for most of us. The basement maybe? Or get rid of your furniture so the cats can have theres;)
My older cats wouldn't use it either, just the youngsters. My cats love their 3-foot tall scratching post.
Hi Catherine, thank you for stopping by to visit and leaving a comment.
Hi Marnie, Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoyed scrolling down and looking at yours. I would love to have one of those cat trees but I guess that would mean I would need a cat. Actually I love kitties but my honey is deathly allergic to them so no kitty for me. I do have a metal one kind of like the metal statues you show on an earlier post.
Hope you don't work too hard and thanks for the visit.
The climbers made of real trunks are awesome--a great way to save trees cut down (presumably) for another purpose. My two cats have a cat climber bought when I was married; they're a lot more expensive than I could afford now, but it's still in good shape. Both James and Fiona love it.
What a hoot...Scratchy would love to chase her booty up that tree...ha!
Hi Susie, nice to meet you. I hope you stop back again to visit.
Monica, I don't think I knew you had kitties. So many gardeners have cats and dogs.
TC, I bet you could too. The hardest part would be the base and securing the tree to the base. When my 15-pound cats hit the tree about half way up at a run, it can't be crashing over;)
Hi Sharon, Scratchy might just climb that tree;) Good exercise.
Those are some impressive cat trees. Love 'em!
I used to work in the boarding dept. of the Cat Connection in Dallas. They sold lots of cat trees. And I was able to get some cat furniture with my employee discount. Nothing as tall as the ones you've featured here though. My kitties would enjoy them all!
I don't have cats but after reading all these comments---I ordered one for myself. I'll take pictures of me on the top landing strip when I make it up there. They look awesome. I might order one of each. You never can tell when a cat might visit. I want to be a gracious cat hostess
When you grow up, do you still want to be an accountant? It sounds really hard.
It'd be great to be a cat in your house!
Hi Carla, I know you are a great cat lover. A discount would help, these are kind of pricey.
Hi Tara, well I haven't bought one yet. Still procrastinating;)
My kitties are drooling at the sight (or at least Rowdy is; the others spend most of their time outdoors climbing trees in search of birds). My favorite is the Great Lakes Cat Furniture piece--it's tempting enough for humans to want to climb it.
Just stopping by to say hey!
Oh, it would be difficult to choose, they're all so wonderful and it would be great to see how our cats would react. Unfortunately, our house is quite small and there's not much open space...especially in the winter when all of the plants are inside.
Nan and the Maine cats
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