Do you ever wonder where clouds come from?
They are manufactured right here in Byron, Illinois.
Today only one of the cloudmakers is online so look for partly cloudy skies.
They are manufactured right here in Byron, Illinois.
Today only one of the cloudmakers is online so look for partly cloudy skies.

A rather intimidating sight...
I love your new header photo. What kind of grapes are those?
Hi SweetBay, those are just the wild grapes that grow over everything here;)
It is what is under the clouds that always has bothered me. I suppose this steam is coming from nuclear fuel?
Hi Abe, yes the steam is from the nuclear reactors. Since the plant is a fact of life here, I try not to worry about it overmuch.
I thought that's what that was. When I was growing up there was a reactor not to far from my town, they closed it in the late 80's early 90's but it employed ALOT of people and brought much need revnue. They seem pretty safe altho chernoble (sp) still is a distaster.
I love the new photo also.
I agree, this is an intimidating sight. It is too bad we need so much electricity. Happy SWF on Wed.
That is alot of smoke coming out of the online cloudmaker.
I wrote this a while back.
While Joe was taking his little grandson, David, for a drive, David was about 5 ...they went by the plant. He heard little David in the backseat..."So that's where the clouds some from." I thought it was such a cute story.
Now I know where they're coming from! Wow, those smoke stacks really do generate some "puffs" don't they? I like your new header too ~ it's perfect for fall.
Ah, didn't know that's where clouds came from! :D We don't have any of those cloud makers here so ours are imported from somewhere across the Pacific Ocean!
I completely missed this post, Marnie! Sorry! Very clever, but seriously, I would be a little worried about what is in those clouds.
I forgot to mention last time how much I love your new header.
simply beautifully captured shot...really quite an intimidating sight!
That is not a comforting sight. I watched too many Xfiles lately.
But it is a good photo.:)
Terrific if intimidating shot!!! Hmmmm and I always wondered!! And, no, it isn't a comforting sight!
Enjoy your weekend!
Marnie that is a scary photo to me but glad to see it and hope I can say... we should all be demanding green energy and not subsidizing these dangerous plants. It is not what is in the clouds that scare me ... but what is in the plant and leakage out into the waterways... The photo is fabulous... very powerful.
We have one of THOSE nearby, too.
I love the sky watch link. So cool to see the skies around the world. We are in Oklahoma now with flat land and always wonderful views of the sky. Western Washington has hills, trees and clouds, so we don't get the beautiful skies except in summer.
Yikes! When ever we drive past towers, they always make me want to race past them very fast! Hope your weekend was good? gail
Whatever is in there, it doesn't look to good to me
We have our own cloudmakers in Monroe, MI! Love your new main photo; very fall-ish feeling.
Very, very funny the way you wrote this. Interesting too. We don't have nuclear energy here, but we do have hydro-electric dams and coal fired plants.~~Dee
I grew up in Rockford and spent many weekends at my Grandma's in Stillman Valley... those cooling towers are familiar sights! We always called them cloud factories. In the summer, both are making clouds (all those air conditioners!), but normally it's just one. When you grow up around these things, they seem pretty benign, but driving past those yellow sirens at the on the surrounding roads is ominous.
I love clouds but those I would rather not be under!
Yikes, Marnie ... I hate that visable 'Fermi' nuclear plant, 25 miles NE of Toledo, greets our MI guests crossing the border :( BTY ~ I love your header, much more 'visitor friendly' :)
Cloudmaker, huh????? Not sure I'd call them that!!!! ha
Love your Autumn flowers. We haven't had a freeze YET---so our Roses, Impatiens, Vinca and other things are still blooming.
Betsy--who is THRILLED to be home 'finally'
I know these things are scary, but I'm not so sure that subsidizing windmills is so great either. Seems the darn things are slicing up birds, bats, butterflies...Some days I feel like we'd all be better off living in caves, foraging through the woods, and cooking supper over a campfire. Who would pay for those windmills, though?
Cute Skywatch! :-)
Hi Zach, nice to see you again. I go overboard when it comes to leaves. I pick them up along the curbs as well as mowing and composting my own. Hard to believe so many people rake and bag them up neatly for me;) Besides compost, the make excellent mulch in summer.
Funny girl :)
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