Departing from my usual garden related topics.
Last weekend Stronghold hosted a renaissance faire. I snapped some photos of the revelers.

On either side the river lie
Long fields of barley and of rye,
That clothe the wold and meet the sky;
And thro' the field the road runs by
To many-tower'd Camelot;
And up and down the people go,
Gazing where the lilies blow
Round an island there below,
The island of Shalott.
~ Tennyson

Last weekend Stronghold hosted a renaissance faire. I snapped some photos of the revelers.

On either side the river lie
Long fields of barley and of rye,
That clothe the wold and meet the sky;
And thro' the field the road runs by
To many-tower'd Camelot;
And up and down the people go,
Gazing where the lilies blow
Round an island there below,
The island of Shalott.
~ Tennyson

These people really get into it! Great costumes that really look authentic...ha ha... like I would know. :)
It looks like you had a great time.
Thanks for sharing these.
What fun! And the house (ye olde manor) is a perfect setting! There is one here in TN each year but I've never been though my daughter went and had a blast. I can see why! So the question to be asked is if you got dressed in the spirit too?
Marnie, what a wonderful time you had. I love all the wonderful costumes everyone wore!
I live near and never have gone to this event. Thanks for sharing your pictures...they are great!
The costumes are envious. I wish I had something like any of them to wear around the house. But it is always the footwear that suffers. I would have to wear house slippers.
Love these photos! These people certainly have some authentic-looking costumes. I've always wanted to go to one of these events and take my two oldest grandchildren, but we missed a good opportunity and there hasn't been one near here since then. I've always found the Middle Ages fascinating, but of course, just the romanticized view of it:) Real life in that time was a different story.
I agree that the costumes are so realistic! it looks as though everyone was having a good time!
Hi Everyone, yes the costumes were great. In fact they had shops selling romantic poet shirts, dresses and lots of period jewelry. You could buy a Wilkinson sword, a hand tied broom, or faerie/dragon charms and statues.
Tina, I didn't have an elegant costume and just went in jeans and sweater.
If you have an opportunity, do go to one of these. The music was great and there was sword fighting, juggling, magic and other things to watch.
Hi Marnie,
Gosh, I remember the first time I saw this, it was part of ME state parade and one of the revelers stopped to talk to us, he had a hawk on his shoulder! Of coure hooded, but it was SO awesome. They even spoke with "hear ye" all over the place.
Hey Marnie that looks like so much fun. I love these kinds of fairs having attended both in Minn. and Colorado. Am ashamed to admit though my favorite venue is something called "vegetable justice" where people (for a price) get to chuck tomatos at a person whose head is sticking out of a wall and yelling naughty things at the onlookers.
I love that house/building. We have a Renaissance fair every Oct. called "The Age of Chivalry" in Vegas and it is awesome. It is a different period, but the participation is amazing. I went along time ago. There is all kinds of different dancing, food, acts, music, knights fighting on horseback and off. Looks like you had fun.
Hi Marnie... What a lovely tradition... quite authentic ... you could almost believe from some of your photos you were in another time. Fun! Carol
Haven't been to a renaissance faire in a long time. My work schedule keeps me from enjoying any local events like that.
You didn't mention the food...always enjoyed that.
Glad you got out and had some fun !
Wow, amazing costumes, and wonderful photos you took! Looks like a lot of fun for those dressed for the period.
Those costumes are so authentic looking. Looks like fun!
Hi Marnie.......look like a wonderful event....the costumes are excellent.
We have a lot of historic battles etc take place in coastal towns....such fun to see.....
There is also a Dickens event at Christmas.....I have been many many times and find it such fun........
Your photographs are lovely......
That looks like a lot of fun, and the weather was perfect for it. I went to the Bristol Renaissance Fair many years ago, but it was so hot, I would hate to be in a costume. I wish it wasn't only during the summer.
I am so glad you chose to share this experience. What a lively bunch they seem to be. Ladies riding side saddle. Wow. I have heard of this type of gathering but have never seen such. The big tudor house is quite the gathering place for them too.
Great photos, Marnie, I can almost hear the music and smell the food! Looks like fun? We have one in a neighboring town but have never been ...
What FUN! :-) Those are great photos.
It was at a Renaissance Faire where I first petted a greyhound, talked to the adoption group about them -- and I was hooked. It was so many years later before I adopted my first retired racing greyhound. Wonderful dogs.
Marnie, what a treat this was to see and I would imagine it was even better in person. Are these people all local and do they make their own costunes? And is this an annual event? I would love to attend something like this.
I checked out Stronghold-what a unique facility. And such a perfect setting for something like this. Thanks for sharing your adventure.
Marnie, What a great costumed fair. beautifully photographed, btw! We have one in Tennessee every year, but I haven't been for several years~~I do remember buying a turkey drumstick for dinner! gail
Wonderful photos! The costumes are so elaborate and detailed! Looks like a great time!
How delightful Marnie! I have always wanted to wear a black cape. Maybe I need to go to one of these, and get a cape to fulfill some strange longing I have! I love the movie Ever After (I think that is the name) partly because of the lovely dresses and costumes.
Looks like tons of fun --and so authentic. The costumes are amazing. I told my hubby when we visited Williamsburg a couple of years ago that I'd love to go there and put on a costume and work in the shops or booths. Wouldn't that be neat?
Thanks for a great post, Marnie.
my dh and children attend a similar festival here in tn. the people do go all out with the costumes.
hope you had a wonderful time.
happy autumn.
That looks like it was a lot of fun! Great costumes..
How fun. Looks like perfect weather for the faire too. Every time I watch a period movie or see pics like this, I feel grateful we don't have to wear all the clothes like they did!
What a wonderful event Marnie, It looked like everyone was having such fun and the costumes are sumptuous. A perfect setting too.
Those costumes alone are worth a fortune of poetry. Wouldn't it be fun to participate in one of those fairs? Pensacola has one every year in the spring, and everyone's favorite event is the jousting tournament. It looks a bit dangerous, though. They really do knock each other off the horses and hit the ground with all of that heavy armor on. Thanks for a peek at what looks like a really good time.
How cool! A friend and I always planned to go to a renaissance festival in college, but never made it (we even picked out long-sleeved gowns in the Target costume department!)
Beautiful and lovely post !! Dresses are amazing and all are looking charming !! I loved the post and wish to see them with my own eyes some day !! Great..Unseen Rajasthan
The costumes are fabulous. Looks like a fun day. I'd love to have been there.
It has been years since I have been to the Renaissance Faire. Their costumes are amazing. I think most of the people who work the Fairs, travel from city to city. Did you try the turkey legs?
Those costumes are fantastic, and so very authentic looking. Till you get to visit Sedona some day, you can travel there vicariously as I post all the photos!
Looks like you had fun! We have a local Renaissance Fair as well, but I haven't been in over 20 years! Maybe even 25. (Good gravy, I'm aging!)
Wow,'s like stepping back in time. Thanks for sharing.
Having never been to a Renaissance Faire, I very much enjoyed seeing your photos! Wonderful costumes and expressions!
Wonderful post! Such great costumes, and it looks like you stepped back in time. The Stronghold looks amazing too. What fun!
A wonderful era for fashion. The hats are so cool.
I would like all the layers in the winter but in the summer heat i would melt!
Thank you for your photographs...I felt as if I was right there. I think I will go get some cider....
Where do they get these costumes from?
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