Last weekend's sun rises behind promising clouds but the promise never materializes. The clouds burn off later in the day and we still have no rain. The ground is very dry and the wind is constant. My woodland garden is quietly suffering.
Still hopeful that some rain my drift our way by week's end.
Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.
~Author Unknown

The celandine poppies are beginning to bloom. To think, once not long ago, I did not like these plants.

Confederate violets are more persistent than the common lawn violets. To have one today is to have several hundred in a few years.

Couldn't resist these fringe tulips when I stopped at Didier's. Don't look too closely or the fringe begins to look like sharp white teeth.

Virginia blue bells blooming in a little pool of anemone.

Anemone is another plant I never cared much for until recently. It seemed so bland. Now I can't grow enough of it. My ideas about flowers and gardens have changed drastically over the years.
A large spot of whimsy I pass on the way to visit my father at the therapy center. This 15-foot tall tree has been completely uprooted and 'planted' upside down with the roots making a large nest at the top. It is decorated with bright spring colors.
The Resident Rodent Remover is on the job. Wearing his fearsome expression, doesn't he remind you of Clint Eastwood? No need to worry about moles, voles or gophers in his gardens.
An interesting bit of trivia. Last month was the warmest March in history, globally.

A large spot of whimsy I pass on the way to visit my father at the therapy center. This 15-foot tall tree has been completely uprooted and 'planted' upside down with the roots making a large nest at the top. It is decorated with bright spring colors.

The Resident Rodent Remover is on the job. Wearing his fearsome expression, doesn't he remind you of Clint Eastwood? No need to worry about moles, voles or gophers in his gardens.
An interesting bit of trivia. Last month was the warmest March in history, globally.
I got some Confederate Violets as a tagalong with a trade and they are indeed multiplying like crazy! Since I need the groundcover they are welcome.
It's amazing that you have dry ground after all of that snow. I hope you get some rain soon. Your woodland wildflowers look wonderful, it would be a shame if their show was cut short. The anemones have such a beautiful delicacy.
Love the weather quote. We are very dry here too and would like rain. I'm more concerned when our weatherman says historically a dry April means a dry summer. Oh no! That being said your woodland garden is awesome. I don't have anemones but need to add some right away. Love the tree! Someone is most crafty. Now that you mention it. I DO see Clint Eastwood. He is thinking "Make my day vole, mole, or gopher!"
love the quote... wonderful pictures, too.
That cat looks just like my resident stray cat. I wish mine would catch the mole near my tipsy pot that is mining for gold. LOL! Hope it finds some too.
The anemones are so pretty and oh, my gosh I love your fringed tulips.
I have just started appreciating poppies too and the sunny yellow ones are so pretty.
Have a wonderful week!
Hi Marnie, love all the blossoms and sorry for your lack of rain... perhaps it will come soon.
The whimsical upside down tree... what a hoot. ;)
gorgeous photos! I love the celadine poppies, and the violets bring back wondeerful memories of picking them by the handful from their sheltered bed under the the horse chestnut trees... I'm hoping for some rain for you!!
Hope some rain comes your way soon! We're getting quite a bit here in Oregon and I'm so ready to see the sun again.
You have the most handsome Resident Rodent Remover ever! His markings are gorgeous!
Hi Marnie....love your piece of trivia. It certainly wasn't warm last month in my part of the world. We have had below normal temperatures for weeks now.....cold and dry is not what I am used to. We are normally wet and warm by now.
I understand when you say your taste in plants has changed. Mine has certainly developed over the last few years. It would be boring to always stay the same, don't you think.
Nella caught a rat and two rabbits at the weekend. I am tending to let her out in the gardens more at the moment.....I won't when the fledglings are around though.
Your cat has the most beautiful face......
I grew violets like that when I was growing up! I loved them. All of your flowers are beautiful Marnie! Thanks for showing them off!
We FINALLY got a good soaking rain today! Yesterday, I planted a few perennials and the soil was totally dry in the 1+ foot holes that I dug.
Hope you get rain soon!
Your kitty looks like he can take on any varmint!
We are so dry here too, Marnie, glad we turned on the sprinklers. Your photos, besides always stunning, warm my heart since we often have so many of the same bloomers. My celadine's are everywhere (are yours) but so welcome their cheery hello and, unlike the violets that I love/hate, easy to control. Happy weekend, dear friend :)
Hey Marnie, You are so right, the fringe on the tulips does look like little teeth.
Love your kitty!
I'm hoping we get rain this weekend too. We are in dire need of it. Those fringe tulips are amazing.
Marnie, I had to laugh when I read the weather quote-it's oh so true! We've had our share of 'scattered flurries' that turned into major snowstorms and 'no rain expected' turn into flooding. Oh well, it gives us something to complain about. We are getting dry here too and looking for rain this weekend to help the newly planted corn and of course our gardens.
I love those poppies. Like you am really learning to love them. I guess our taste evolve as we grow more mature.
Here's hoping we have gentle showers this weekend that freshen everything. :)
How true is the weather quote! We really need some rain here. We are drying out more and more every day. I love your rodent killer. I am still waiting for my two kittens to get big enough to kill some voles! Carla
I think April may break some records for high temps as well. Lovely to see that your garden is full of spring blooms, too. I do like those fringed tulips; I can't believe the number of different tulip varieties there are. If I had the energy, I'd plant every one I could find!
Yes, we could use some rain...though I'm glad we're not going through the constant downpours of last year.
Toby (it is Toby, isn't it?) certainly does look fearsome. Between my resident rodent removers and Sophie, the rabbit and squirrel eradicator, I don't have too many problems with pests either:)
we need rain too. it threaten all day yesterday and nothing.
i am loving all that you have blooming in your gardens. we have several rodent hunters around here including one of the dogs.
hope you are thoroughly enjoying your spring.
happy april.
Those tulips are gorgeous and so is the cat.Does he want a part time job? I have moles.
Marnie, My notions of gardening have changed over the years, too...and it's surprising to me what I now consider lovely or even beautiful. Yuccas are an excellent example~I've added them to containers and they look perfect to me! Rx3 does indeed look fierce~I could use a rough and tumble cat to deal with the chipmunks, they are so destructive.
How is your dad's therapy going?
Marnie, Your flowers are so beautiful and I hope they stay that way with lots of rain, love the tree and kitty is to die for!! His adorable!
Dry here also. I hate to say it as my back 40 still remains a bit moist but we do need rain elsewhere in the garden! May I borrow your Rodent Remover? OJ has been slipping on the job lately, hee hee....
Such beautiful flowers, and I love that poppy! Your cat must be related to mine, he has been on the hunt too!!! Although he will wear a sweet expression to fool the prey!!
We are suppose to get rain tomorrow and for most of the weekend. It will be a we shall see. First we had too much, and now not enough!
Your anemone look lovely. I have just the tall Japanese anemone's. Love the teeth-ing tulips;-) Your first photo looks like a painting; you have a good eye and use your camera so well. 'Clint' is a keeper, no doubt;-) But don't let him catch one of my birdies;-) The multi-colored pastel parrot tulips on your header are gorgeous, too. Rain: it's rained here on and off for a couple of days & I would like it to dry up a bit! The poppy's I planted are all mushy!
The fringe tulips are very cool.
Know nothing about poppies even though I've started a gazillion from seed.
I love that "large spot of whimsy" photo! And those fringe tulips are beautiful. And the RRR looks extremely healthy, must be doin his job quite well.
It looks as though you are enjoying your spring and all it's bounty of flowers. I have always loved Fringe tulips...so fetching.
That quote is OH so true! Wish I'd have thought it up. I hope you get some much needed moisture soon. Maybe our rain will make it your way? It was really the first big storm of the season ~ and storm it was, complete with hail, tornado warnings, etc.
Love the fringed tulips. They have been one of my favorites until this year ~ now I think the lily-flowered ones are my new favorites. Funny, how tastes in gardening change (like you said). I'm going to have Virginia bluebell blooms for the first time ever this year! I like yours mixed with the anemones. You have a nice variety of blooms in your garden now Marnie ~ aren't you thrilled about that? I know I am ~ I am patting myself on the back for surviving another winter!! ha.
p.s. Your cat definitely looks like nothing gets past him!!
Ha ha Marnie, he DOES look like Clint! Beautiful pictures on your blog - lovely garden!
You kitty is cute !!!
I knew it! There won't be any daffodils left to pick for mother's day which has been our family tradition :( Rodent Remover indeed, I think just the determined look will frighten some. I just love your spring bouquet of flowers. A~
That upside down tree is so fun! Love that! Hope you get some rain. We had too much this winter and everything has finally dried out. But storms are on the way so I think we'll get a good drenching tomorrow.
Beautiful pictures! Hope you got some rain this weekend. After a dry spell of several weeks (amazing how quickly it can dry out), we really needed it. I think we probably got around three inches. I didn't know what the wild variegated violets were called, so it was nice to see them named!
So many lovely things blooming in your spring garden Marnie! We made it through to spring, no more winter till next year, so enjoy. It's been very dry here too, till this weekend. We finally got a good soaker last night and today. Love it!
Hi Marnie, you know, I got a bunch of spring flowering anemones (not yet in bloom here) at a plant swap a few years back but never really warmed to them until last year or so. Now I love them! And celandine poppies are one of those things I always mean to plant and then forget. They'd be perfect for my newly cleared wild beds... How are your WS seedlings doing?
Hi There Marnie, I'm trying to catch up today... Will take me forever!!!! ha....
Love your header.... WOW!!!! Yes---Mother Nature surprises us constantly. We needed rain here also--but got it this weekend. At least, we didn't get the severe weather which others got.
The fringe tulips are so pretty. I have never seen them. And that upside down tree is so creative!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful week.
Wonderful woodland flowers. I be curious to read sometime how you views on flowers have changed. I know mine have.
I suppose we evolve as gardeners! That is one mean looking cat I wouldn't mess with him! That is amazing about it the warmest in March history. And the storms you all had in the East were incredible this last year. Global warming or just a fluke??
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