The only good thing about high humidity is foggy mornings. I know, fog is dangerous if you're driving but it's also very beautiful. It changes the landscape, makes familiar scenes look strange and other worldly. Beyond a visible circle, things become mysterious. Anything is possible.

Today, I'm in the middle of a bathroom remodel so I set blogger to publish this post automatically. Fingers crossed blogger works. And fingers crossed that the remodel goes well. In the past I've found that doing anything to an old house can result in disaster and chaos. We'll see.
Hah! I didn't even know that blogger could do that. Those are beautiful fog pictures, and I agree with you. I love a foggy morning.
Good luck with that remodel.
Hope all goes well with your remodel.
I like fog, and snow as long as I don't have to drive in it! My daughter says it reminds her of Johnny Depp...??? Perhaps all the strange movies he has done.
I enjoy the fog too. It makes the world seem so different.
Good luck with the bathroom remodel!
I like a foggy morning too.
Good luck with the remodel, hopefully touching one furnishing won't lead to remodeling another.
Good luck with the remodel. I hope it goes wonderfully for you.
Love the fog pics. You are right, fog really does makes things look so different.
Love fog photos, Marnie. All turned out well wiith your dreamy shots. Coming and going so much, I often pre-post on Blogger ... never a problem unless my post, because of me, looks goofy :) Good luck with remodeling! We are in the 1st stages of designing a kitchen update at the cottage.
I like the quiet fog creates.
Good luck on the remodel. Been there.
You were lucky Marnee, Blogger posted for you. Usually it doesn't post my scheduled posts. I love these foggy mornings for the very reasons you mentioned. I hope your remodel goes well.
You were lucky Marnee, Blogger posted for you. Usually it doesn't post my scheduled posts. I love these foggy mornings for the very reasons you mentioned. I hope your remodel goes well.
I must say, I really dread remodeling projects ... so good for you in embracing them! Beautiful fog photos -- there is something haunting about a foggy lane or roadway, almost an attractive melancholy about it.
I find that there are always unintended remodeling consequences~it's why I haven't replaced the kitchen sink! Good luck with the remodel! I love fog and we rarely experience it in summers unless the evening temps drop below 65. I find that pinks look especially beautiful in fog and love my neighbors crape myrtles. gail
Love the fog photos. My place looks interesting with it (woods everywhere) but driving in it would be something else.
Hope your remodel goes well.
We get a lot of fog here in the winter and it is so mysterious and beautiful! Your photos are lovely too!
Hope the bathroom remodel goes well!
I love a remodel. Even with the unexpected delays, problems, etc. The end result is usually always worth it. I hope that's true with yours.
We rarely get fog in Colorado ~ maybe because we hardly have humidity? I like it too (except like you said to drive in it). It's kind of spooky ~ a good Halloween weather event.
Love fog and mist.....your photography is excellent.....looks like the beginning of time.
Understand old houses very well hope the bathroom works out.
Fog from the deck great. Behind the wheel not so good. Nice pics though. Were in the remodel mode this week also... and the tension around here is getting to me. :)
I like to look at fog, but if you have ever driven in it is mighty scary. To not see where you are going is very unnerving. Best of luck with your remodel - this also can be scary!
Lovely photos, Marnie, but I think I hate to drive in fog more than anything else. My trip back from Chicago's Garden Show last March through dense fog was one of the scariest trips I've ever made.
Good luck with the bathroom remodel; I know what you mean about re-doing an old house, but I'm sure you'll be happy with the results.
Nice! Even though it gets really humid here, we don't tend to have foggy mornings. Too flat, I guess. Nowhere for the fog to hang.
Good Luck with your renovations, Marnie.... Hope it goes well for you.... Keep us posted!!!!
When I see fog in August, that is one sign that there will be snow in winter..... I haven't seen any fog here yet --but we were gone for several days.
I always feel rather guilty for loving fog, but it makes the ordinary landscape seem so mysterious and quiet.
Good luck on your remodel. I hope it turns out to be much easier than you thought.
I like the fog too"...
But not in the Mountains.. when I'm visiting relatives in the Piedmont of SC, you can't see a thing in front of you nor behind you...
" Scarrrrry" beyond words!
But fun and mysterious when your watching it from a safe place...
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Marnie, I didn't even know blogger could do that-thanks for sharing that little tidbit! Fog is very mysterious and interesting isn't it. I love your pictures. Good luck with the bathroom remodel!
I really like your fog pictures. I agree, it's very photogenic.
Hi Marnie,
I hope your remodel is going well.
I love your road shot going off into the mist Marnie! Lovely!! You are so clever... an auto posting. Good luck with your remodeling... I know just what you mean... having a two hundred plus year old house. There is always so much more to do ... when you open things up and see what has been going on! ;>)
Hope your remodel goes well! I'm in the midst of ...well..not sure what you call it---moving out old stuff, prepping and painting walls and such, then in with the new stuff. Always allot more steps than one thinks there will be. And it's so hot..I love the scheduled posting option and use it allot.
I do love the fog in the early mornings! Of course, that is when I am walking, rather than driving anywhere, so I can admire the scenery!
You might convert me yet, Marnie. I am not a fan of fog simply because there is too much of it during the winter in these parts. Your photos are ominous and beautiful.
Good luck with the remodel. I hope you'll post photos!
That fog is a good depiction of my state of mind when we undertake a project at the house. I hope you can see your way clearly to the end of the remodel and things returning to normal.
i do love the fog or the mist as it rises over the fields. there is something magical about how it feels and looks. good luck with your renovations.
happy summer days.
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