40 mph winds pushing snow into 5-foot drifts across roadsways.
Off work today. Enjoying (and I'm using that term in a humorous way) the effects of the fourth worst blizzard in this county's recorded history. Luckily I wasn't around for the first three.
A weather emergency has been declared. Police are asking everyone to stay off the streets. The snowplows are clearing the roadways but the 40mph winds are driving the snow back onto cleared roads very quickly. Hundreds of motorists were stranded in snow drifts overnight, many had to be rescued with snow mobiles. Neighboring Boone County, which is very rural, has closed its roads. Anyone driving in Boone County will be issued a $200 ticket. Sounds harsh but the police just don't have the resources to rescue any more drivers stuck in drifts. Tow trucks are out pulling abandoned vehicles out of ditches and taking them to Woodman's parking lot to be picked up later by the owners.
Tonight the temperatures will be dropping to 10 degrees below zero. Things can't get much worse--I hope.
Trucks are loaded with salt and sand and ready to go.As soon as it was light enough to see, I ventured out to feed the birds. The weatherman wasn't kidding when he said there were 5-foot drifts out there. Two feet of snow piled against my back door made it a challenge open.
Had to push Aggie out the door, she wasn't going out there if she could help it. Now she is watching me with huge, accusing eyes, afraid I'll make her go outside again. I'll let Toby out in a little while. He will love it. Wish I had Toby's outlook on life. He sees every day as a gift and finds fun in every situation.
Later today or tomorrow, Mark from the shop will come and plow me out. Meanwhile, I'm stocked up on comfort food and good books. Maybe a nap this afternoon...
Oh my gosh! I'm so glad to see you! Even if it did take a blizzard to get you back on the blogs.
I hope everything is OK with you, and that we will be hearing more from you. In the meantime, enjoy your day off.
You just made my day, Lady!
Travel here in Lake County has also been banned. Not that I've tried to go anywhere. I was here for the previous three blizzards, but I don't remember '67. I won't be able to make a comparison with '79 until I get out on rural roads, but the winds seem much worse with this one than the '99 blizzard. Stay warm.
Hi Marnie,
Oh, I was so happy to see that you are back here! You've got the right idea about how to deal with the blizzard! We are experiencing snow and wind, too but it sounds like your conditions are so much worse!
Stay safe and warm!
Best wishes!
Marnie, you're back, how lovely! I do hope all is well.
As you probably know we had some pretty wild weather here too for some weeks.
Stay safe and warm!
Marnie, I have been so concerned about you. I am so pleased to see you back with us.
Your weather looks horrendous. We had dreadful weather before Christmas....far too much snow for my liking.
Comfort food sounds great......
Hi Marnie,
We have a lot in common today, both stuck in the house. We were able to clean the driveway but can't get out anyway, the alley has not been plowed. Stay warm!
What a way to return!
Those are serious drifts and the cold is bad.
Enjoy your day off and stay warm!
Yay! I saw your blog up at the top of my Blog List, and my day just got brighter. Looking forward to more posts. Stay warm and safe.
Oh boy! A breath of fresh air to see a post from you..Welcome back!
It is crazy seeing all this snow...I do hope things don't get any worse...drink some hot tea or cocoa or hell, both!
So good to see you Marnie. I am glad you didn't blow away last night. Stay in and keep warm.
Wow, what a bunch of snow. I am so glad that you are back online. I have missed you. I pray that you and your loved ones are doing well. Enjoy your snow day! Stay warm and dry. Carla
Marnie, hello lady! so pleased to see you back. Sorry about all the snow, but it seems you have the right attitude, relax, read... enjoy the quiet and beauty.
Hope all is well.
Marnie, Welcome back~I've missed you. That snow is something else...Mark sounds like a good friend and since you have enough important provisions I know you'll be cozy. xxoogail
Happy to see you back too! I can't even imagine that snow, I hope the worst is over after tonight. I think the Seattle area reacts about the same way with just an inch of snow, don't know what we'd do if it really snowed like that here.
What a way to come back. And wowser on the snow drifts. What a mess! Stay warm and safe!
Wow, this is some blizzard! I was around for the previous three, and I can remember days without power and being stuck in my house for over a week with my parents, which was no fun--from a teenager's point of view:) I'm glad the county officials have banned motorists; my husband is driving a snowplow here in 12-hour shifts, and anyone out on the roads who doesn't absolutely need to be is just causing a problem for everyone else. I'm watching the weather and the news from 50 degree sunny skies--I left on Monday just in time to visit my daughter in Oregon.
So good to have you back! I've been thinking about you and wondering how things have been going for you. I hope everything is going well.
I'm glad to see you! Your snow is just horrible and I hope you stay safe and warm! We're having sunny skies, warm days and cold nights but not near as cold as there.
Marnie...Baby it's C-O-L-D there!
My daughter has been keeping me informed of winter freeze back home.
Here in Az it has hit a record drop in temperature today and forcast tomorrow..however no snow to shovel here.
Stay indoors and snuggly.
Hello and big hugs Marnie - nice to see you back! Your snow "over there on that side" is all over the news, it's been just lovely here "on this side" - the Wet Coast. Take care, great to have you back online...
So good to see you back Marnie!
Keep warm, and good luck with the remodel!
Welcome back...I missed your posts so much.
We were hunkered down with everybody else in our area.Sun this morning is so deceiving...it's really cold out there. Stay warm today.
Hope things are better for you and your family...Balisha
Oh Marnie what a mess girl. The wind and the cold is bad enough without all of that snow to contend with.It will take forever this spring for everyone's snow to melt.Stay safe.
Hey Marnie,
So glad to see you back online. Now if I could just get myself going again.
Stay safe and warm up there.
Hi Marnie, Brrr... I hope you're staying warm. Glad to see you back.
A storm like this was the perfect excuse to write a blog post! Happy to see some action on your blog again Marnie! Stay cozy and enjoy that comfort food;-) At least your internet service is available so you can blog and browse!
Glad to see you again! I love the little church in your header!
That storm was almost a non-event by the time it got here. We were just on the edges of it, so only got a couple inches, although the winds tried to make it look like a whole lot more!
So glad to see you back. I've been checking regularly and now here you are again. Looking forward to more of your wonderful pictures. Winter has set in here as well.
Marnie welcome back, I missed you.
Hope everyone is well.
Your snow storm is nothing like I've seen. Hope you got your food shopping done before it hit.
So happy you're are back.
Hi Marnie,
It is good to read a post of yours! I have missed you, although I understand how life gets in the way of blogging.
Keep warm! Those drifts remind me of our our life 12 years ago in Nebraska.
Hi Marnie!
I couldn't believe it when I saw your comment on my blog today ~ add me to the list of people who are so thrilled to see you back. I hope you're doing okay? Also glad things are warming up there so some of those huge snowdrifts will melt.
We haven't had that much snow here but it's been every bit as cold. ugh.
My dog doesn't want to go out when it's that cold either. I always feel bad that he has to ~ those are the days it's nicer to be a cat and have an indoor litter box!
What good books have you read? My two favorites (this winter) have been "The Forgotten Garden" and "Winter Garden." I read them and wonder if I could ever write anything half as good!
Delighted to see you back, dear Marnie. Stay warm and hope all is well. Happy Valentine's Day :)
Just found your blog. I'm in Ogle County. Your pics look like mine! I had let my blog lapse for a coupla years, but have picked it back up, I will read more of yours, but had to comment when I saw you mention Boone County!!
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