Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Cold Comfort

It's cold here.  The foot of snow from weeks ago hasn't melted.  I don't usually pay any attention to wind chill numbers.  That's mostly hype the forecasters use to make winter weather sound more extreme and dramatic.   I have to admit, when they start talking about wind chills at 25 degrees below zero, you have to pay attention to that.  When we get a long running streak of weather like this, I start to blame my ancestors.  Why in the world didn't they settle in some nice coastal climate?

It's northern Illinois and it's winter and it could be worse. We just need to get through the rest of February and the first three weeks of March.

Here are scenes from around the farm.  Can you guess what the first picture is?

 Below the yard north of the house 

Below the pasture east of the house.

Actual temperatures below.  


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Brrrrr. I feel your pain. We only have about 8" of snow but it won't melt any time soon. We will just have to grin and bear it. :)

tina said...

I have no idea what that first picture is. Perhaps a leftover fruit of some kind? It's cold here too and I am in the south. Brrrr

BeadedTail said...

That looks might cold! We're having unusual weather here in Oregon too but for us that means we're getting sun and warm temps instead of rain. I'll take it!

Rose said...

We don't have all the snow you have--it seems like every snow storm this winter just skirted our area. But it certainly has been cold, and it doesn't look like next week is going to be any better. I've spent the last two days mostly in bed with a virus/cold, and I've been consoling myself that it's better to be sick now than in April or May when I might actually be able to garden!

troutbirder said...

Beautiful scenes. Perhaps all of us on the northern tundra should focus on mind over matter. If we don't mind too much this ugly cold wont matter...:)

walk2write said...

Not sure but maybe a seed pod from a magnolia tree? Probably not. I'm still dreaming of a warmer climate...

Anita Johnson said...

I don't usually like windchill either, but yesterday when I woke up and realized it was -15 WITHOUT windchill I took notice. Your yard is beautiful! I don't know what that first photo first I thought it was a macro of a crabapple, but I don't think that's right....a frozen apple?

sweetbay said...

Is that a rose hip in the first picture?

It looks beautiful there but very cold.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Is it a frozen zinnia?

How is your cat doing by now? You were nice to take it in.

Jennifer said...

It is even colder here, but we have the same blanket of snow. I look forward to spring, but at this point I'd settle for warmer temperatures.

tree said...

Looking forward to spring too. It's just about here, I can hear it and smell it.

oldcrow61 said...

Sounds and looks much like here.