I'm such a fan of Georgia O'Keefe, you can stand in front of her paintings and just lose yourself.
August is the time for tough, heat loving, drought tolerant plants.
Annabelle just outside the back porch door.
What I call the driveway garden.

Wrapping paper is lots of fun to play in. Sometimes it's a cave and sometimes it's confetti.
Best Wishes to our friend Angel at http://beadedtail.blogspot.com/ who is having a birthday. Angel likes to have fun with wrapping paper too. Angel's sister looks a lot like my friend Ricochet.
Ricochet hates having her picture taken. That's one of the reasons she looks so angry. She is also mad at our person for calling her Moby Rick. Our person thinks that name-calling might shame Ricochet into losing some weight. That's just not gonna happen.
My friend Toby thinks wrapping paper is for napping.
Your flowers seem to be doing well ...
... and yes wrapping paper can be so much fun! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you too for your visits to the low carb diabetic blog, it's always great to receive and read your comments.
Do hope you have a good week.
All the best Jan
Beautiful garden flowers and I love to see what's blooming. Oh wrapping paper, boxes, paper bags... My cat love them all.... Michelle
Such beautiful gardens!
Beautiful flowers!! I can just hear the paper as the cats settle in on the paper.
I am a fan of Georgia O'Keefe as well. I always thought they were big paintings for some reason and was surprised when I finally saw one. The scale was quite small and intimate, which sort of makes sense given her regard for the subject matter.
Your driveway garden looks impressive and beautiful. August is dry here as well. Today it is 31 making it feel more like mid-summer.
It is amazing how animals play almost like children. I can imagine how much fun the wrapping paper was.
Just stopping by ... hope all is well
All the best Jan
Love the driveway garden! And what cat can resist any kind of shipping material?! Mine are often found in, on, and around the suitcases we still have out from unpacking from vacation.
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