Parrot Tulips, the photos tell the story. These are probably my favorite tulips.
Opening late in the morning for pollinators.
Closing back up at night.
Parrot Tulip Madonna
Goldfinch eating nyjer thistle seed on flowering amalanchier. The seed is sterile so you don't need to worry about a crop of thistle sprouting in youR yard.
Hi Marnie, the parrot tulips look so exotic open! It turns out the groundhog missed a few tulips, so I have maybe 10 blooming, here and there!!! :) Happy Monday.
Beautiful photos of the parrot tulips, Marnie! Now there's another type of tulip I don't have anymore...looks like that will be added to my fall order:)
The finches have returned here, too. I have hid the sack of nyjer seed from my husband; he still isn't convinced the seed is sterile even though I assured him it was.
Marnie, those parrot tulips are absolutely beautiful!! I love them. Some day I'm going to paint them! I can't believe all the colors there are in them! Thanks for sharing! I also love the goldfinches!
Marnie, Gorgeous pics of your parrot tulips! Love the bird pics too. My goldfinches and pine siskins sure are going through my thistle seed like crazy!
Hi Monica, kind of Mr Groundhog to leave you a few;) I used to have a friend who tamed one (I have no idea why). It would come up and eat off the toe of his boots. Happy Monday to your too.
Susie, they are so amazingly beautiful, I can't imagine not have them.
Hi Rose, it gets kind of messy under the feeder with all the tiny seed hulls falling but they never sprout.
Sherri, I love those blended colors too. One of the reasons these are my favorites.
Hi Tammy, I know, I just made another run to Farm and Fleet to stock up;) I had an Indigo Bunting Sunday evening so watch closely to see if they visit your feeders too.
Hi Darla, thank you, had to get a couple photos while the tree was in bloom.
Hi SweetBay, this was a good year for spring bulbs. Hope it stays on the cool side a little longer.
Gayle, those finches were so busy squabbling among themselves, they forgot I was there.
TC, Angilique is a double tulip, double row of pale pink petals. I have one left (keeps been coming back for 5 years but the others planted with it quit). I will post a photo of mine later in the week. Parrot tulips are single but they have the ruffled edges.
Love your tulips. I might have to rethink my fall bulb planting ideas. (My idea is to not plant any because by then I'm totally tired of the garden:) Also love the pic of the goldfinchs. We don't often see the beauty of their wings.
Flydragon, I know exactly what you mean, I feel the same way. I'm sick of the work by September but then by mid November I want my garden back again. I never buy too many bulbs at one time. I couldn't plant a hundred bulbs at once like some do.
HI DP, aren't they pretty? A little unusual.
Tina, I've slowed to a crawl going past beautiful gardens and gotten honked at;) Then I go around the block and come back and park.
I don't see very many parrot tulips planted in gardens. Don't know why.
Gorgeous tulips Marnie! I love the green, pink and yellow color swirls. Must add them to the tulip list! The Gold Finches are beautiful, too and so happy to be in your garden. gail
Just seeing these terrific tulips makes me wish I could get out there and plant some NOW so I don't lose this inspiration. Gosh they are so pretty. Yep, I must plant tulips this fall.
Hi Gail, those are nice pastel colors together--very spring.
Lisa, I know what you mean. The inspiration fades with all our day to day decissions. I'm adding more tulips too but not sure which ones. Some species tulips for sure. Have to see what's available locally in September.
Marnie those are some fantastic photos! The light is just gorgeous thru and on the petals. I don't have any parrot tulips but I can definitely see why you like them. Happy goldfinches too. Mine are gone. I've had such rotten luck with birds this year. First the hawks kept them at bay all winter then the grackles and starlings showed up and figured out how to feed from the thistle feeder (first time I've seen that). I took it down even tho I felt bad for the finches because I refuse to feed them.
The other day I watched a male goldfinch perched on a spent coneflower head, merrily singing and bobbing in the breeze...what a glorious sight AND sound.
You can certainly see why watercolorists so frequently choose the parrot tulip for their subjects, absolutely fabulous!
I'm having so much fun outside digging and transplanting, I'm leaving little time to blog, before I collapse into the night...ha!
Marnie, these are beautiful! I haven't seen parrot tulips in a long time. I will have to find some for this fall. :) Your birds look like they are really enjoying the seed. I haven't had mucg time to watch the birds this spring. Thanks for sharing yours.
Hi Marnie Absolutely beautiful tulips! I've never seen any like that before. Tulips never cooperate for me any way! I've seen several gold finches around our front yard lately. I usually only see them at my grandfather's or my aunt's house. I need to get a finch feeder and thistle seed soon! Take care and have a great week. Lisa
marnie, like your new must be so ready for warmer weather. that is a great variety of a tulip. do they all open and close like that>? i have never planted tulips but will one year eventually. it is fun to watch all the gold finches at this time of the year.
Hi Marnie, Those are absolutely gorgeous Parrots, love the varying hues of color blended in there. We used to have some really pretty Parrot Feathers from our original planting (back in 2000), but they, and the other fancier tulips have just faded away and disappeared over the years. How long have you had yours? (I think ours lasted about 5-6 years.)
Now we just stick with the Darwin hybrids because they seem to be the longest lasting and truly perennial varieties, even though we lost about 100 two years ago with that awful cold spell that killed so many of our bulbs...
I caught a fleeting glimpse of a goldfinch recently, so we should get some seed out for them.....
Hi Kathleen, those grackles are clever and the starlings are a menace. My local hawk periodically picks up a mourning dove. In the winter I put up a low fence that prevents the hawk from swooping down on the ground feeding birds.
BirdLady, thank you, both are beautiful.
Hi Dirt Princes, the old Dutch masters used to paint these tulips frequently. They make great subjects for photos and paintings.
TroutBirder you said that right. Parrots are very expensive to but and keep. Tulips are cheap;)
RamblingWoods, a lot of flowers do that, especially early spring ones.
Prennial Gardener, I'm afraid they all are more or less annuals unless you get the species tulips. Some of these may come back. I have two double tulips that have come back for many years.
Good morning BeadedTail, thank you.
Hi Sharon, I've seen a lot of these tulips in old Dutch paintings too. I'm trying to squeeze in some gardening after work. Rain coming so gotta get them in the ground.
Hi JC, thank you. I'll visit your blog.
Hi Beckie, I try to get some bird watching in on the weekends. These tulip bulbs were from Menards but you never can count on what they will have available.
Hi Raccoon Lover, I bet you would enjoy a thistle feeder.
Hi Marmee, most of the tulips open and close again at night until they are almost spent. At that blowsy stage they stay open.
IVG, these were planted last fall. I have two doubles that have been around for years. These may or may not come back. They were fun even if they just last a year.
Hi DogGeek, they are additional trouble and expense because you have to keep planting them. Daffodils last forever.
Hi Randy, I never do more than a couple packages every year. I just like something different.
"ohh, ahhh!" I love watching my tulips change over the course of the day, too. I picked a bouquet of pale yellow and pink ones this morning and added a few branches of lilacs.
Stunning photos, Marnie! I see tulips rule in both of our gardens ... aren't they amazing! So often many pass and never see the inward beauty ... you have captured the essense of these exquisite blooms. Hats off, dear friend!
I saw your post yesterday and forgot to leave a message! Your tulips are pretty-I've never seen parrot tulips 'in person'. I suppose I'll need to do something about that, come fall! The goldfinches are going crazy eating my thistle, too! They are such a bright color of yellow now, they've been fun to watch;-)
I posted this on my comments instead of yours: "Thanks - That is a wonderful product! Wet doesn't bother it - it's held together with some sort of gelatine. It doesn't stay around long enough to even think if spoiling! I have a nice feeder from my hardware supplier that has screen around it to keep the blackbirds from gobbling it, but I felt bad for the red belly and brown thrashers, so I decided to just let the grackles have some. It comes in safflower as well. Here's their site - it's not on my online store, because they don't drop ship....If nobody in your area has it and you want some, let me know if you would be willing to spring for a case at the time, I would send it to you. "
So very beautiful and different. I'm going to be a daffodil girl cause the deer don't eat them. I was just at the Daffodil Society and saw a lot of different varieties. They were expensive as I imagine these Parrot tulips are the same. But what a show!
I'm having an awful time with grackles. They have taken over the feeders. They go through lots of birdseed and chase off the sweet little birds. I have no clue what to do.
Fabulous tulips! They are so intricate and papery :) I managed to acquire some free tulips at the weekend, but they are nothing compared to yours. Love the finches too :)
Hi Marnie, the parrot tulips look so exotic open! It turns out the groundhog missed a few tulips, so I have maybe 10 blooming, here and there!!! :) Happy Monday.
Those tulips are very pretty Marnie. I especially like the picture of the finches. They looked like they were enjoying themselves.
Beautiful photos of the parrot tulips, Marnie! Now there's another type of tulip I don't have anymore...looks like that will be added to my fall order:)
The finches have returned here, too. I have hid the sack of nyjer seed from my husband; he still isn't convinced the seed is sterile even though I assured him it was.
Marnie, those parrot tulips are absolutely beautiful!! I love them. Some day I'm going to paint them! I can't believe all the colors there are in them! Thanks for sharing! I also love the goldfinches!
Marnie, Gorgeous pics of your parrot tulips! Love the bird pics too. My goldfinches and pine siskins sure are going through my thistle seed like crazy!
Tulips are so pretty. Great bird capture.
I love parrot tulips too. Yours are gorgeous.
These are some of my favorite tulips as well. Love the godfinch picture. How you get this snap shots I don't know!
Hi Monica, kind of Mr Groundhog to leave you a few;) I used to have a friend who tamed one (I have no idea why). It would come up and eat off the toe of his boots. Happy Monday to your too.
Susie, they are so amazingly beautiful, I can't imagine not have them.
Hi Rose, it gets kind of messy under the feeder with all the tiny seed hulls falling but they never sprout.
Sherri, I love those blended colors too. One of the reasons these are my favorites.
Hi Tammy, I know, I just made another run to Farm and Fleet to stock up;) I had an Indigo Bunting Sunday evening so watch closely to see if they visit your feeders too.
Hi Darla, thank you, had to get a couple photos while the tree was in bloom.
Hi SweetBay, this was a good year for spring bulbs. Hope it stays on the cool side a little longer.
Gayle, those finches were so busy squabbling among themselves, they forgot I was there.
TC, Angilique is a double tulip, double row of pale pink petals. I have one left (keeps been coming back for 5 years but the others planted with it quit). I will post a photo of mine later in the week. Parrot tulips are single but they have the ruffled edges.
Love your tulips. I might have to rethink my fall bulb planting ideas. (My idea is to not plant any because by then I'm totally tired of the garden:)
Also love the pic of the goldfinchs. We don't often see the beauty of their wings.
The parrot tulips are so very interesting. I've never seen anything like it!
Those parrot tulips are SUCH stunners. Like stop dead in your tracks. (I've done this before except I was driving:). Great shot of the finches.
Flydragon, I know exactly what you mean, I feel the same way. I'm sick of the work by September but then by mid November I want my garden back again. I never buy too many bulbs at one time. I couldn't plant a hundred bulbs at once like some do.
HI DP, aren't they pretty? A little unusual.
Tina, I've slowed to a crawl going past beautiful gardens and gotten honked at;) Then I go around the block and come back and park.
I don't see very many parrot tulips planted in gardens. Don't know why.
Gorgeous tulips Marnie! I love the green, pink and yellow color swirls. Must add them to the tulip list! The Gold Finches are beautiful, too and so happy to be in your garden. gail
Just seeing these terrific tulips makes me wish I could get out there and plant some NOW so I don't lose this inspiration. Gosh they are so pretty. Yep, I must plant tulips this fall.
Hi Gail, those are nice pastel colors together--very spring.
Lisa, I know what you mean. The inspiration fades with all our day to day decissions. I'm adding more tulips too but not sure which ones. Some species tulips for sure. Have to see what's available locally in September.
Marnie those are some fantastic photos! The light is just gorgeous thru and on the petals. I don't have any parrot tulips but I can definitely see why you like them. Happy goldfinches too. Mine are gone. I've had such rotten luck with birds this year. First the hawks kept them at bay all winter then the grackles and starlings showed up and figured out how to feed from the thistle feeder (first time I've seen that). I took it down even tho I felt bad for the finches because I refuse to feed them.
Those flowers are exquisite - (The goldfinches,of course, are wonderful!)
Those first few photos don't even look real! They look like paintings! Wow...amazing shots
Yes. I see the parrot analogy. Cheaper than the real thing though
I didn't know until recently that some flowers close at night..I know,I lived in a cave...LOL..
Those Parrot Tulips are gorgeous! I've never had much luck with them, their basically annuals here.
Those tulips are so frilly and pretty! And what a great photo of the birds at the feeder!
The other day I watched a male goldfinch perched on a spent coneflower head, merrily singing and bobbing in the breeze...what a glorious sight AND sound.
You can certainly see why watercolorists so frequently choose the parrot tulip for their subjects, absolutely fabulous!
I'm having so much fun outside digging and transplanting, I'm leaving little time to blog, before I collapse into the night...ha!
Have a great week Marnie!
I am giving you the 'One Lovely Blog Award'.
Please go to my blog to see what it is and what you need to do. Also, you can copy the award if you want. It's a pretty one.
I think you are Purrfect and that's why I picked you.
Marnie, these are beautiful! I haven't seen parrot tulips in a long time. I will have to find some for this fall. :) Your birds look like they are really enjoying the seed. I haven't had mucg time to watch the birds this spring. Thanks for sharing yours.
Hi Marnie
Absolutely beautiful tulips! I've never seen any like that before. Tulips never cooperate for me any way!
I've seen several gold finches around our front yard lately. I usually only see them at my grandfather's or my aunt's house. I need to get a finch feeder and thistle seed soon!
Take care and have a great week.
like your new must be so ready for warmer weather.
that is a great variety of a tulip. do they all open and close like that>? i have never planted tulips but will one year eventually. it is fun to watch all the gold finches at this time of the year.
Hi Marnie,
Those are absolutely gorgeous Parrots, love the varying hues of color blended in there. We used to have some really pretty Parrot Feathers from our original planting (back in 2000), but they, and the other fancier tulips have just faded away and disappeared over the years. How long have you had yours? (I think ours lasted about 5-6 years.)
Now we just stick with the Darwin hybrids because they seem to be the longest lasting and truly perennial varieties, even though we lost about 100 two years ago with that awful cold spell that killed so many of our bulbs...
I caught a fleeting glimpse of a goldfinch recently, so we should get some seed out for them.....
Beautiful! I've never had much luck with tulips in the past, so I have given up trying to grow them.
My heavens what gorgeous tulips. I wish we could grow them here, all that digging and replanting is just too much work.--Randy
Hi Kathleen, those grackles are clever and the starlings are a menace. My local hawk periodically picks up a mourning dove. In the winter I put up a low fence that prevents the hawk from swooping down on the ground feeding birds.
BirdLady, thank you, both are beautiful.
Hi Dirt Princes, the old Dutch masters used to paint these tulips frequently. They make great subjects for photos and paintings.
TroutBirder you said that right. Parrots are very expensive to but and keep. Tulips are cheap;)
RamblingWoods, a lot of flowers do that, especially early spring ones.
Prennial Gardener, I'm afraid they all are more or less annuals unless you get the species tulips. Some of these may come back. I have two double tulips that have come back for many years.
Good morning BeadedTail, thank you.
Hi Sharon, I've seen a lot of these tulips in old Dutch paintings too. I'm trying to squeeze in some gardening after work. Rain coming so gotta get them in the ground.
Hi JC, thank you. I'll visit your blog.
Hi Beckie, I try to get some bird watching in on the weekends. These tulip bulbs were from Menards but you never can count on what they will have available.
Hi Raccoon Lover, I bet you would enjoy a thistle feeder.
Hi Marmee, most of the tulips open and close again at night until they are almost spent. At that blowsy stage they stay open.
IVG, these were planted last fall. I have two doubles that have been around for years. These may or may not come back. They were fun even if they just last a year.
Hi DogGeek, they are additional trouble and expense because you have to keep planting them. Daffodils last forever.
Hi Randy, I never do more than a couple packages every year. I just like something different.
Your photos of the Parrot Tulips are amazing! They remind me of Georgia O'Keefe paintings--gorgeous!
"ohh, ahhh!" I love watching my tulips change over the course of the day, too. I picked a bouquet of pale yellow and pink ones this morning and added a few branches of lilacs.
Marnie, they are stunning! They are up on my wishing list now.
Stunning photos, Marnie! I see tulips rule in both of our gardens ... aren't they amazing! So often many pass and never see the inward beauty ... you have captured the essense of these exquisite blooms. Hats off, dear friend!
I saw your post yesterday and forgot to leave a message! Your tulips are pretty-I've never seen parrot tulips 'in person'. I suppose I'll need to do something about that, come fall! The goldfinches are going crazy eating my thistle, too! They are such a bright color of yellow now, they've been fun to watch;-)
Your parrot tulips are interesting looking. They certainly add another element of interest along side the standard varieties.
Good to know the goldfinch seeds will not sprout :-)
I posted this on my comments instead of yours:
"Thanks -
That is a wonderful product! Wet doesn't bother it - it's held together with some sort of gelatine. It doesn't stay around long enough to even think if spoiling! I have a nice feeder from my hardware supplier that has screen around it to keep the blackbirds from gobbling it, but I felt bad for the red belly and brown thrashers, so I decided to just let the grackles have some. It comes in safflower as well. Here's their site - it's not on my online store, because they don't drop ship....If nobody in your area has it and you want some, let me know if you would be willing to spring for a case at the time, I would send it to you. "
Wow..what gorgeous tulips! Great goldfinch shot.
The tulips are gorgeous. You have a beautiful blog. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my blog.
So very beautiful and different. I'm going to be a daffodil girl cause the deer don't eat them. I was just at the Daffodil Society and saw a lot of different varieties. They were expensive as I imagine these Parrot tulips are the same. But what a show!
I'm having an awful time with grackles. They have taken over the feeders. They go through lots of birdseed and chase off the sweet little birds. I have no clue what to do.
What beautiful photos of the Parrot tulips!
Without a doubt the parrot tulip is my favorite tulips of all! The pink w/ green my fav. color! You photographed them beautifully!
The tulips are gorgeous and you've taken beautiful pictures of them.
Fabulous tulips! They are so intricate and papery :) I managed to acquire some free tulips at the weekend, but they are nothing compared to yours. Love the finches too :)
Kim x
the light in these tulip photos is stunning
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