One of my favorite combinations. Lots of color and texture, each complimenting the others.

Two days ago I walked
the empty woods, bent over,
crunching through oak leaves,
asking myself questions
without answers. From somewhere
a froth of seeds drifted by touched
with gold in the last light
of a lost day, going with
the wind as they always did.
~Philip Levine
a wild queen of dirt roads & deserted places
with blossoms which crown the summer
& dust kitchen tablecloths with pollen bouquets
queen anne's lace tats the roadsides creamy white
looking delicate as a lineaged lady
it grows deep rooted
strong as a woman
There is nothing in which the birds differ more from man than the
way in which they can build and yet leave a landscape as it was
~Robert Lynd
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
I hadn't heard of Sky Watch Friday until this morning.
Check out Wigger's World
for more info.
Have a great weekend everyone. Enjoy the birds in your gardens.
Wishing you all a beautiful sunset.