I went to a funeral Tuesday. She was 101-years old when she died. She had a good life, but still, it was a sad event. Funerals always put me in a melancholy frame of mind. Afterward I went for a drive. Passed by the old home place (which was a mistake) . The old house has changed so much I wouldn't have recognized it. Gave me a hollow feeling, like a big part of my life had just disappeared.
I drove on by the site of my first school. A tiny one-room building that combined first and second grades. It's long gone now. Moved to another town and recycled into a wedding chapel. It looks better now that it ever did as a school house.
I was headed southwest toward the river when I saw another old one-room school house a friend of mine attended years ago. The little limestone building had been closed and sat empty on a corner lot under a pair of huge shade trees. Now a nice couple has bought it and turned it into a most charming house.
In the photos you can see the original limestone school with its wall of large windows. The new owners have added an enclosed entrance to the front of the structure and a wing of similar style alongside for a garage with rooms above. The overall appearance is cute and country. Altho it's quite modern, it isn't an insult to the simple old style building.