and there is a smell of tulips and narcissus in the air.
~ Amy Lowell

Below Henry Van Dyke's poem: When Tulips Bloom (1894) illustrated with photos from my garden.
When tulips bloom in Union Square,
And timid breaths of vernal air
Go wandering down the dusty town,
Like children lost in Vanity Fair;
When every long, unlovely row
Of westward houses stands aglow,
And leads the eyes to sunset skies
Beyond the hills where green trees grow;
Then weary seems the street parade,
And weary books, and weary trade:
I'm only wishing to go a-fishing;
For this the month of May was made.
I guess the pussy-willows now
Are creeping out on every bough
Along the brook; and robins look
For early worms behind the plough.
The thistle-birds have changed their dun,
For yellow coats, to match the sun;
And in the same array of flame
The Dandelion Show's begun.
The flocks of young anemones
Are dancing round the budding trees:
Who can help wishing to go a-fishing
On days as full of joy as these?
I think the meadow-lark's clear sound
Leaks upward slowly from the ground,
While on the wing the bluebirds ring
Their wedding-bells to woods around.
(Photo from my father's neighbor's home. I thought the hollow stump was so charming.)
The flirting chewink calls his dear
Behind the bush; and very near,
Where water flows, where green grass grows,
Song-sparrows gently sing, "Good cheer."
And, best of all, through twilight's calm
The hermit-thrush repeats his psalm.
How much I'm wishing to go a-fishing
In days so sweet with music's balm!
'Tis not a proud desire of mine;
I ask for nothing superfine;
No heavy weight, no salmon great,
To break the record, or my line.
Only an idle little stream,
Whose amber waters softly gleam,
Where I may wade through woodland shade,
And cast the fly, and loaf, and dream:
Only a trout or two, to dart
From foaming pools, and try my art:
'Tis all I'm wishing--old-fashioned fishing,
And just a day on Nature's heart.
(Wild plum blossoms bloom in the hedgerows around the farm.)
Are any of you mushroomers? Is this a morel. I have dozens growing around a dead tree on the farm. I'm afraid to eat anything I'm not 100% certain is not poisonous.
This is a joyful poem to start the day with. Your photos go so well with it too. I enjoyed this post so much. As to your mushrooms. I not sure. I am not a mushroomer. I know Julie Zickenfoose had a tutorial about how you could tell on her blog a few days ago. She is a very knowlegable naturalist.
Yep, those are morels. I can't stand mushrooms, personally, but I bet you would have lots of takers for those morels if you don't want them!
Lovely poem and beautiful pics.
Seems like everyone has anemones...maybe I should get some.
All of my fancy tulips are gone. I only have red ones left. I'll have to replant this Fall. Thanks for sharing yours' !!!
Oh I am so jealous of your tulips. I'm too lazy to dig them up and replant them every year.:-)--Randy
Your blog has the best photos I HAVE EVer SEEN! Thanks... you have gorgeous flowers!
A truly delightful post!
Those are definitely morel mushrooms and they are worth their weight in gold to people who love to eat them. My wife thinks they are the most delectable of all foods, especially since down here in Louisiana she can't get them!
Hi Lisa, I'll look for her site.
Hi DogGeek, I like mushrooms, but I've never had morels. I'll have to try them since they're free.
Patsi, they are certainly easy to grow. Just give them a shady spot with plenty of compost and leaf mold. They look great with early bluebells and bleeding heart.
Hi JC, I'll add more this fall too. Don't know if these will return another year.
Hi Randy. I don't do that either. I just get inexpensive ones to replace those that don't return the following year.
Rosy Pollen, thank you for leaving that kind comment. I love photography and enjoy playing with the camera whenever I get the chance.
What a lovely poem. I simply adore that finch. I do think that is a morel. I have a friend who adores them. She goes hunting for them each year-on Fort Campbell. And actually got arrested. Too funny.
I would say those are morels too Marnie. I used to hunt for them with my dad as a child ~ he loved them. I haven't seen one for years tho. I also think you are the master at taking beautiful tulip photos. The one of double angelique is simply stunning. I'm so glad it's truly spring! Oh, you're right about the hollow stump photo being charming. I wonder if it's home to any critter? Seems perfect for a bunny or something.
Hi Darla, thank you.
Good morning Davy. People talk about the a lot so they must be special. I'm looking for recipes now;)
Hi Tina, arrested while mushroom hunting. That is funny. Hope the fine wasn't too bad;)
Hi Kathleen, the stump would make a great bunny home or a ground nesting bird. Finally spring, there is so much abundance I can hardly believe it.
Marnie, I am pretty sure those mushrooms are morels. I love the angelique parrot tulips, I used to grow them when I lived in NJ. Very beautiful!
That is a lovely poem. The mushrooms are so very interesting. I've never seen some like that. They do look poisonous though.
Marnie, I totally agree Angelique is the best tulip...She is starting to shrink with age...she is well over 5 years in this garden. It may be time to replenish the bulbs! Lovely poem and your photos are , as always, excellent. I do think those are morels, but I would be too chicken to try them! I think I might google morel look alikes...if there are none...then pick them and cook them! gail
Lovely photo and poem! The sun is finally shining here as I read your post and now I want to get outside and tend to my garden! If only it wasn't so muddy...
Hi Sherri, they are pretty aren't they. I'll probably add more this fall.
Hi DP, very strange looking. I would really like to try some morels.
Gail, I will probably add more too. Put them around in different places. The thing is there is another mushroom that looks like morels. Not fatally poisonous but it would make you sick.
Beaded Tail, I hate to miss all this time out of the garden too. Pretty soon it will be so hot we won't want to go out.
Hi Marnie, love everything, but especially the anemones and morels! :)
Lovely poem--I'd enjoy everything Van Dyke mentions except for the fishing! Your Angeliques are beautiful; they're favorites of mine, too. Those do look like morels, but I'd definitely get a second opinion from a local expert:)
I finally planted the Siberian Iris today; I think a Northern Illinois earthworm survived his journey:)
I love to eat mushrooms but I'm not sure I'm digging that picture. I don't know if it's neat or if it's grossing me out. Is that crazy or what?!?!?
I do love your other photos though. The yellow finch is just gorgeous!
I'm so beside you with your tulip tour, Marnie ... Angelique is a must in my garden! Looks like a morel but is it hollow when sliced through! A true morel will always be hollow inside. A false morel will contain cotton like fibers inside when split open. If its a true morel ... I'll be there in a flash!
Angelique is so lovely...
We have a lot of mushrooms here but I haven't seen one like that -- very interesting-looking!
Oh Marnie! Your photos are beautiful. I have Angelique for the first time this year and am so in love with them. I plan on planting many more this fall.
Your poem is a lovely description of May. And still rings true today. As for the mushrooms, yes they are morels. And beautiful ones at that.Did you know they are selling for $30.00 a pound here?? You could have a fortune around that tree. :)
Hi Marnie,
Great tulips, but even greater morels!!! A dead tree is one of their favorite spots to grow, and if you're too chicken to eat them, FedEx them to me and I'll pay the shipping! Don't wait too long to harvest because they don't last long, and as Joey said, they should be smooth and hollow (may have some dirt though) inside. I also think they have a faint odor of honey as well. We need to see if any are showing up around here, where they usually go for about $25/lb!!! You're sitting on a goldmine there girl!
If you do decide to cook them (which I highly recommend), here's how I do it. Slice them in half, trim off the very bottom of the stem, rinse carefully in cold water and pat dry with a paper towel.
Make an egg wash with 1-2 eggs (depending on how many you're cooking), bread them with 1) flour, 2) egg and 3) panko bread crumbs (or other bread crumbs ... I've even used crushed saltines in a pinch). Yes it's messy, so do it with one hand because you'll get breading "clump."
Sauté them in butter on medium heat for about 5 min or so or until browned. They are the best of the mushrooms and downright delectable!
Can you tell I'm jealous?? :-)
The finch image is stunning in deed! I love that yellow
That poem captures in so many ways the feeling of May at our little sanctuary by the beautifully illustrated with your photos.
Hi Monica, I'm adding more anemones. My Dad has a huge patch and these things transplant very easily.
Hi Rose, good for the worm. He will like it better in your yard where it doesn't get so cold;) The SI won't bloom this year, they hate being transplanted.
Susie, they do look odd, not real appetizing.
Hi Joey, come on and lets cook these up and eat them. Thanks for the specifics. The idea of a false morel made me nervous. I will look carefully for either the hollow area or the fibers.
Hi SweetBay, these are strange looking but I've heard so many people rave about the wonderful taste.
Beckie, I can't believe $30 a pound. Who would I sell them to? They must be very hard to grow.
IVG thank you for the recipe. I had no idea how to cook them. This sounds like fun.
Roentarre, he is handsome isn't he? Around here people used to call them wild canaries because of that vivid yellow color.
Hey Nan, it does capture the spirit of rural America. Maine probably more than Illinois with all our intense agribusiness here.
You had the perfect photos to compliment this pretty poem! Those mushrooms look interesting. :)
All wonderful photos - I LOVE the tree with the tulips! Glad you found the Mr Bird's the best.
Have the butter simmerin' and the cracker crumbs ready for those tasty morel morsels...yummmmm...I haven't been out for're tempting me.
Wonderful poem and I so miss fishin' on the Mississippi, but farm and factory pollution has put a screechin' halt to that...we should be ashamed and most of us are...but at least I can enjoy my resident Meadow lark, as he sings to me each late afternoon that glorious medley.
Have a wonderful weekend Marnie and Happy Mother's day to you too.
PerennialGardener, thank you for the kind comment.
Hi Helen, thanks for you help in locating Mr. Bird products. That hollow stump is so cute, wish it were mine.
Hi Sharon, I wish I had a meadow lark. It's been years since I've heard one. How lovely to sit on the porch of your cottage and listen.
Hey, I like your Catbird singing his heart out! That's too cute. You have the cheeriest tweeters on your blog.
You are the tulip queen and how nice the first one last so long.
I adore the tree! Just the kind I always imagined a fairy living in when I was young.
Those mushrooms are fabulous! As I look around my garden at the lilacs blooming and roses starting to bud I am thinking this is YOUR TIME of the season. Happy Gardening!
Lovely post, Marnie. Enjoyed the poem, and your photos, as usual! Have never seen nor heard of that type of mushroom but it is quite interesting to know that it's edible! It looks like a sponge. Your farm must be a wonderful place;-)
i do love the hollow stump with the tulips planted ever so gently around dh loves those morels...not me but i do like a lot of other types of mushrooms.
i just read an artical about foraging for wild interesting.
Beautiful spring post Marnie...
Hi...yes, it's a huge Amish area up by the Amana Colonies, which is why I love the drive to Sisters', you never know what you'll see. I'm such a country girl, it just makes me happy to see such scenes of old.
Have a great day!
Iowa V.G. is making me hungry reading the recipe for morels. Great pictures, Marnie!
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