Well, it was June 25th when I wrote this post and took these photos. It will be July when it publishes. I can't believe how the season is flying past. I had dozens of goals I sincerely meant to accomplish but it is looking like many of them will never happen. As we get older the seasons get shorter. It's a shame because we appreciate them much more in our later years than we ever did when we were young. In my youth each day was spent anticipating an event or a thing that would come tomorrow or next week or next year. Now I enjoy today and look back on all those yesterdays and wonder why I squandered so many.
Any day the Japanese beetles will be here so I must treasure my roses up until the last moment.

The Austin rose Graham Thomas was the first Austin I added to my garden many years ago. The pale yellow blooms look nice with the vivid gold Stellas behind.

When it first opened on a cloudy morning, Graham was a lovely deep color but he quickly faded to a buttery yellow after a few hours in the blazing sun.
Another yellow flower, but his one so very delicate.

It's late for columbines but I found this blooming at my favorite greenhouse. It was purchased as a gift but I couldn't resist getting a few photos while it sat in my garden waiting to go to its new home. What a beautiful, ethereal bloom. Hopefully I can get a few seeds to bring home to my garden.

Below is Double Delight, the most photographed rose in my garden. No two blooms are ever alike.

The red on the petals is akin to suntan. The more/stronger the sun, the more and darker the red. In addition to the beautiful colors , this is a very fragrant Hybrid Tea hence the name Double Delight.

This trellis holds two clematis, Multi Blue and the Comtesse de Bouchaud. The Comtesse is an older variety possibly bred as long hundred years ago. A strong grower and she blooms for an extended time. Multi Blue was a disappointment. Alone on the trellis he was wispy and stingy with his blooms. Together they make a pleasing combination.

From William Radler, the man who brought us the Knockout rose, this is Carefree Sunshine. I like it better. Very disease resistant, and always in bloom. On mine the foliage has an ever so slightly bluish hue. In this photo the rose is growing with a unnamed purple clematis.

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying:
And this same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying.
Old Time is still a-flying:
And this same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying.
Marnie, all your flowers are wonderful but the picture of the creamy yellow columbine was just beautiful! I love that flower, oh heck I love all flowers except the black colored ones! Have a great 4th!!
I liked your clematis combination. I've been really getting into clematis lately and have never heard of these two varieties. Very pretty ....
Have a safe and happy 4th ...
Wow, I can't believe you still have a columbine blooming! I also love the combo of clematis and rose. And I too find the seasons too short and I too had a lot of goals that may not work out in the garden... I even have enough free time, but not the weather/energy! Sigh.
Hey Marnie-all the blooms look great as usual. I like that clematis combination. Looks really nice together.
Hope you have a wonderful 4th weekend!
I believe that we don't get so much accomplished when we are older because we take more time to enjoy what we do accomplish, see and feel.
Happy 4th of July... I am impressed that you get a post done so far ahead. Ha.. I am slow and not very accomplished. Right now I am busy soaking up this marvelous September-like weather we are having.
Oooooooo how pretty. I'm afraid most of our clematis have fallen victim to the weedwhacker, I’m sure they will grow back.:-)--Randy
As I approach 60, this poem takes on special meaning...one day at a time.
Black furniture is my best seller at Sisters' and has been very popular the last couple of years. Country Living and Romantic Homes feature black furniture all the time, it just looks great with wood finishes. I don't own any, but then I don't own any white either, I like old chippy paint on my stuff...ha!
Have a safe 4th Marnie, I think it will be the coolest one in history!
Your garden is so beautiful Marnie. And truer words never spoken about squandering days and looking forward to events that happen sometime in the future. I've always done that too. My biggest one was looking forward to the year 2000 when I was a kid. I was going to be in my 30s and boy did that seem old as a pre-teen. Now I too try to enjoy the days-each of them is a treasure and a part of life. It is pretty amazing the flag is even still around. Happy July 4th a bit early.
Marnie, You've written another lovely thought provoking post and filled it with delicious photos! Your roses are wonderful, especially Graham....that is a beautiful color. Maybe the Japanese beetles won't show this year; well, we can dream! Have a safe and happy July 4...gail
Happy 4th July to you Marnie....
I understand where you are coming from. I treasure each day, they pass much too quickly now....
one of my favourite pieces of prose is 'meditations while flying a kit'. I learned a great deal from the writing......
I have that colombine, it is aquilegea dragonfly....and mine is still flowering. It has been in bloom since the beginning of May. Fabulous plant, can thoroughly recommend it. I have a white one to. If you want any seeds, just let me know......
Your roses really are beautiful....enjoy before those nasty beetles arrive...Grrrr.....
Lily beetles are chomping through my display of lillies at the moment.....I am beginning to wish I never planted them......
Your roses are so beautiful Marnie and I am particularly taken with the Columbine what a beautiful delicate coloured one that is, I'm sure the recipient will be thrilled with such a lovely gift! Have a wonderful July 4th.
P.S. I have left a comment on your previous post also :)
Hope you have a nice 4th. Your pictures are beautiful. I especially like the columbine.
Hi Sherri, I'm not wild about the ones they call black either. I have one Superstition iris that is very dark but looks red in the bright sunlight.
Hi Beth, there are so many different clematis. Most of mine were bought for a couple bucks at the box stores. As you mentioned, these little ones take a couple years to get growing well.
Hi Monica, the columbine was grown in a greenhouse otherwise I would never have seen it. My energy levels haven't been great this year either. I was ok until that hot spell hit.
Hi Susie, it's different anyway. ON it's own, I don't care for Multi Blue.
Hi Lisa, isn't this weather perfect. Tuesday and Wednesday it didn't even get to 70 degrees. I love this weather. I had tons of photos mid June to post so it was easy getting a little ahead with my blogs.
Hi Randy, those spindly clematis stems do tend to get whacked. Anymore I don't put them in places where grass grows close by.
Hi Sharon, I don't get Romantic Home anymore. Their layouts all tended to be gilded furniture and antique shop interiors. I used to love it when if first came out. Guess I'm behind the times again.
Hi Tina, it is a shame but none of us seems to learn to live in the moment until we get older and don't have so many 'moments' left;) I think the flag is preserved in a museum somewhere.
Hi Gail, even as you typed, the Japanese beetles are here and eating my roses. Very, very sad.
Hi Cheryl, thanks for the ID on the columbine. I'll stop by my friend's garden and get some seeds from this one. I've heard others talking about the lily beetles. So far they haven't come this far west but it's only a matter of time. Global trade has brought us so many wonderful things;)
ShySongbird thank you. She did love the columbine--how could anyone not.
Hi Balisha, hope you have a great holiday weekend too. I'll be going to the fireworks in Winnebago this year to try for some fireworks photos.
I think I saw that flag ... way back... when I was 18 and walking thru the Smithsonian.
Your roses are absolutley gorgeous. My poor roses are sort of wild ... I try with them but living in the woods ... well, it causes havic.
Again, thanks for all the photos ...
Your flowers always brighten my day! And such a great reminder to enjoy each moment as times goes by way too quickly. We need to take a little more time to smell the roses!
It is amazing how fast this year is going by. I haven't noticed as many Japanese beetles this year as I normally do so maybe you won't get too many of those pesky things. Your rose photos are beautiful.
Such a nice tribute to our flag, and country. Lovely photos of your lovely flowers...esp. that columbine. It's new to me and so delicate looking! Have a happy 4th!
I've squandered many a day too Marnie. It must just be part of the cycle of life, thinking it will go on forever and realizing later it won't. I'm trying to be conscious of that now when I choose what to do with my days.
Good to know the 'Multi Blue' Clematis isn't a great viner. I may have to supplement her with another climber too after I see how well she does. I like your combination ~ the two shades of purple look great together. Happy 4th of July to you ~ hope you have a good holiday. After the late, cool spring and slow warm up to summer it just doesn't seem right that it's already July!
Hi JC, I know what you mean. Roses don't thrive in shade. Lots of native plants do well in woodsy settings but they all tend to be early bloomers that fade away in summer.
Hi BeadedTail, it's true we need constant reminders.
Phillip, I hope you are right. I have a few now, we will see.
Hi Jan, isn't that columbine the prettiest thing. I love it too.
Kathleen, I think you're right. The old saying that youth is wasted on the young is very true. I'm anxious to see how Multiblue does for you.
There couldn't be a better photo posted for the 4th; awesome! Gorgeous flowers, too. Nice post!
Your roses and Clematis are beautiful. I have some of those yellow Columbine -- I will check to see if there's still seed.
Happy Fourth!
Marnie, your words certainly speak to me today. Where did June go? Where did the past year go?? Gardening is teaching me patience and to enjoy each day--"the flower that smiles today" may very well be gone tomorrow.
Your roses are all so beautiful; I hope those Japanese beetles don't travel north--they are devouring my hollyhocks this year. The Carefree Sunshine is one I'd like to add to my garden. And what a beautiful columbine! Have a great weekend!
Double delight, appropriately named!
Thanks for visiting my daughters' blog. She liked that.
Your Roses are so luscious. Thanks for showing Graham as he looks at different times. I've seen photos of him only with the butterscotch colored bloom. I think the pale yellow is easier to pair with other plants. I'm so glad I didn't buy Clematis 'Multi-Blue.' I was trying to decide between that and 'Crystal Fairy.' I guess I lucked out. 'Multi-blue' looks great growing with the Comtesse. I'm a big fan of combining Clematises with each other, but I love the look of Clematis and Roses together even more. Your combo of 'Carefree Sunshine' and the purple Clematis is perfect.
Marnie, your posts always seem to mirror my feelings. I have been thinking along those lines this summer as I approach a mojor birthday. So much, I want to accomplish and so little energy and time to do it. I must learn to appreciate what I have more.
Your Double Delight is gorgeous. I had one for several years and miss it. Will have to look for another as well as for the Carefree Sunshine. I love yellow roses! And yours growing with the clematis is lovely.
Have a wonderul 4th!
Another lovely thought provoking post with stunning photos, Marnie. Where did the 1/2 year go! Enjoy this wonderful holiday ... (delighted 2 of my lilies popped open yesterday to say goodbye)
how many of us squandered our youth...probably every last one of us. why does it take so much time and circumstances to make us truly appreciate life? i have three boys all trying to figure it out right now...sometimes it is painful to watch their learning all the life lessons.
i love the yellowish roses with the purple clematis. what a great combination.
what a great tattered up flag...it conjures up thoughts of all the battles it must have seen and the fighting in defense of what we believe in for this great country of ours. happy fourth to you.
I hope you have some time to enjoy your beautiful roses before the beasty japanese beatles destroy their beauty. I love your 'Carefree Sunshine', what a lovely shade of yellow & disease resistant to boot. I have 'Morning Magic' by the same people & it's a nice specimen as well.
Beautiful flower Marnie. I especially liked Double Delight which I had in my long gone Rose Garden. And your time passing musings had it just right
Hi Marnie,
All your roses are so delightful. I can practically smell them ...the detail is so luscious in each one. Happy 4th to you.
I have been saying it seems like just the other day, we were getting tired of waiting for spring to get here, and now I am wondering where it went. I am off for the summer, and not getting rid of clutter like I planned to. I just got a calendar down and looked to see that it's been 5 weeks we've been off, and I have to go back in a little less than 5 weeks. I need to make myself get busy. Like you, though, I really need to enjoy my gardens and the time I have.
Great post!
Oh, and your roses and other flowers are awesome!
I would like to exchange links with your site lilacsandroses.blogspot.com
Is this possible?
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